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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Favorite Activities for Toddlers

Life seems a bit weird, uncertain and dare I say it a bit scary right now.  We are all adjusting to new routines and a new normal as we are called to socially distance ourselves from one another to help fight the spread of COVID-19.  It seems surreal, yet it isn't.   One thing I keep reminding myself during this time is that we are all going through this right now, we all have struggles while we adjust to the new changes in our lives and we are all doing the best we can in this situation! So give yourself some grace, say a prayer, feel the emotions your feeling and know you are not alone! 

So with all that being said I thought I would share a few of my favorite indoor activities/other ideas to help you pass the time and keep your little's engaged while we adjust to the changes around us!  At the end of the post I will share more links of blogs I follow for toddler/kiddo activities!  

Activity Ideas to Keep Little's Engaged:

Sensory Bins 
Sensory Bins are one of my all time favorite activities to do with my little guy thanks to The Busy Toddler.  Susie has tons of wonderful sensory ideas/activities on her blog that are great for keeping little minds engaged!  Basically a sensory bin is a large plastic box/bin filled with different materials or objects to help engages your little ones senses.  Example would be a large box of assorted beans with different types of measuring cups, or buckets that your little one could use to scoop up the beans in and dump them out etc.  I have several different sensory bins that I have created over the last few months all that have been inspired by Susie!  Below are a list of our favorites/the ones we currently have!

- Rainbow Rice Dino Dig - I dyed plain old white rice (following Susie's directions, linked here) and then placed it in a clear tupperware with plastic dinos, shovels and cups for my little guy to dig and play in!  He loved scooping up the dinos with the shovels and dumping the rice from cup to cup!

-Pom Pom Pool - I filled our outdoor water table with pom poms for our little guy to play with (dump, stir, etc.) inside once winter hit and it was to cold to play in water outside. I then added in buckets, shovels, and  small spoons for him to dump, stir and scoop up the pom poms!

-Bean and Noodle Construction Site - I filled a large plastic container with various dried beans and noodles and then added in my little guys favorite construction trucks and a few small cups to create his very own construction site.

-Water Play- Simply fill a plastic container with soapy water and some assorted cups (measuring cups, ladles, spoons) and let your kiddo enjoy dumping, splashing and mixing the water!  I ordered these a few weeks ago from Target for our water play, and they are a huge hit!  Another fun water activity we have done is a toy washing station via The Busy Toddler, linked here!

**For more fun sensory activities check out The Busy Toddler Site, linked here!

Whip up some homemade playdough (I love this recipe from Fun Learning for Kids) and let your kids creativity go to work building and molding the dough.  I place the dough (wrapped in wax paper) in an air tight container with an assortment of small toys/cookie cutters/tools that my little guy can play with in the dough!  The cookie cutters are always a huge hit!  Switch out the cookie cutters each day to keep the box interesting and different, or try letter magnets!  Older kiddos can spell words out in the flattened playdough!  Or have your kiddo roll dough snakes to practice cutting with a plastic kid knife (dull).

Build a Road/Paper Tunnels
I got the idea for this from The Mama Notes, see her post here! Instead of taping the tunnels to my floor I decided to tape them to an old cardboard box and make roads.  we later decorated the cardboard with a parking lot for our cars and an airport for our airplanes.  This activity has been a major hit with my little dude.  It will hold his attention for 20-30 minutes but is also an activity that he will come back to over and over again!

FaceTime Loved Ones
This time of social distancing can feel isolating.  Thankfully for us we live in a day in age where technology is readily available!  Schedule time in your day to FaceTiming loved ones (grandparents, Aunts/Uncles, Cousins, Friends, Siblings).  Not only will this be a nice break in your day but it will be uplifting and help keep you connected with those you love during this time of social distancing.

Send Happy Mail- 
Brighten a loved ones day and stay connected during this time by sending "Happy Mail."  Have your little one paint/color/create cards to send out to Grandparents/Aunts/Cousins etc.  Set out paints, crayons, markers, sticks and paper and let your little's get creative.  It will be a fun craft for your kiddos and also brighten someone else's day when they receive their "Happy Mail."

A few other ideas, bake your favorite muffin/treat together if you have time, if you are working from home take a 15 min break and have a dance party to get some of the crazies out, take a short walk as a family for some fresh air, and just remember to embrace this time together.  Yes, it is hard, and can be scary but remember you are not alone in this alone.  

Great resource for Kiddo Activities -