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Friday, March 30, 2012

Happy Friday!!

Happy Friday!
I am ready for the weekend!  One more week and a few days left before I move to Minneapolis!  YAY! Can you sense my excitement?

I was officially approved for my apartment yesterday!  I may or may not have done a little dance in my cubical upon receiving the news!  Then I had that sense of Oh My Goodness this is real life... I am really moving, living on my own, working in the city, and living downtown!  I then proceeded to dance around again!

My office now thinks I am probably crazy!  But that is ok, because I am happy!

The lovely Sarah of Simply Sarah tagged me in her post yesterday!  So today it is my turn to answer her 11 questions and tag 11 more lovely bloggers!  I love doing these posts!  

So here are Sarah's 11 questions for me... Ready?

1. What are you most looking forward to this year?
MOVING!!  I am so excited to move and live on my own!  I cannot wait!  I would also have to say that I am looking forward to new experiences, and all the excitement that living in a city has to offer!  

2. What is your favorite nail polish? (I'm an addict and always looking for new colors)
I love Essie Ballet Slippers and OPi Cajun Shrimp (my go to pedicure color)! 

3. Pauly or Vinny?
Hmm that's tough because I don't watch Jersey Shore!  Can I say neither?

4. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Hmm somewhere on a lake! Maybe Lake Michigan!  Or somewhere abroad like Italy! 
(Sleeping Bear Dunes-Lake Michigan)

5. What's your favorite cocktail?
I am a wine girl, wine spritzers are always good! 

6. Are you addicted to any reality tv shows (like my guilty self?!) If so, which ones?
No, come to think of it I really do not watch much tv!

7. If you could only leave the house wearing two makeup products, what would they be?
Mascara and blush! 

8. What's currently in your bag?
My life...
My planner about 7 different lip glosses, hair brush, Ipad, Iphone, wallet... I carry a huge purse!
Currently obsessing over this bag! 

9. What's the best book you've read? ( I need some good ones for summer!)
Hmm I loved Sarah's Key!  This reminds me I really need to read more!  Currently reading an American Wife, really enjoying it! 

10. Beach or pool?

11. What is your favorite healthy snack?
Greek Yogurt with some sort of fruit, granola or trail mix thrown in there! Yum!

Now the 11 Lovely Bloggers I am tagging!

Falon of Animal Crackers to Ziti
Ashley of Places to Go Things To Buy
Honey of Honey Whats Cooking
Amanda of Little Miss Can't Be Wrong
Amanda of Life in Every Word
Emily of All you Need is Love
Amanda of Simple Girl, Simple Pleasures 
Taylor of Like you For Always
Jenn of Bliss to bean
Emily of Paging Dr. Grace

And there 11 Questions!
1: If you could travel anywhere in the World right this minute where would you go?
2: Essie or OPI?
3: Where is your favorite place to shop?
4: What is one thing you are dying to buy this Spring?
5: Lipgloss or Lip stick?
6: Whats one thing you never leave the house with?
7: Whats your drink of choice? (alcoholic/nonalcoholic)
8: What are you most looking forward to this summer?
9: What is your favorite food?
10: Whats one super power you wish you had?
11: Whats your dream job?

Happy Friday Everyone!
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!
See ya Monday!