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Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I received this little card yesterday in the mail from my dear friend Kalyn!
I literally was teary eyed as I saw the picture realizing that this card was asking me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding!  Kalyn and I have been friends since out freshman year at Butler!  Like she mentioned in her card she still remembers the first words I said to her the day we met (which were so who wants to party tonight...yea that as me)!  
Our friendship has taken us on many wonderful journeys, including 5 mission trips to Jamaica together.  AndI am truly honored that Kalyn has asked me to stand along side her on her big day, it is truly a special moment to stand along side a dear friend as they marry their best friend!

Have you been asked to be a bridesmaid in a cute way?

Monday, January 30, 2012

It Just Snuck Up on Me!

How did you sneak up on me so quickly? How was everyone's weekend? Mine was spent in Omaha Nebraska with my entire family! My little sister is a junior at Creighton University
and let's just say she had a full weekend planned for us!   
 The whole family enjoyed some amazing eats, I am always shocked out how many fabulous local restaurants Omaha has.  I mean Omaha puts my hometown to shame!  And just a little side note... If you ever go to Omaha you need to go to Wheatfields and get a cinnamon roll, trust me on this they are amazing.
I mean come on look at that frosting!
Don't worry we did more then just chow down this weekend!  Saturday night we went and cheered on the Creighton Bluejays in our first ever Creighton basketball game  (at least one of our teams won, poor Butler Bulldogs) and enjoyed an impromptu shopping spree and pedicures (my dad opted out of pedicures)!!  The game was neat to be at.  Saturday was Creighton's Annual Pink Out for breast cancer, so the entire stadium was a sea of pink!  Even my dad had on a pink shirt!
I also got the added bonus of seeing one of my lovely sorority sisters and close friends Leslie this weekend!
She lives about 10 minutes from where my sister goest to school, so I was lucky enough to meet her and her boyfriend for a round of drinks!  Always great to catch up with a good friend!
So many fun things crammed into a few short days!  If only the weekend wasn't over!

But it is Monday so you know what that means... 5 new pinterest recipes! My mom and I killed some time on the 5 hour drive back home looking up this weeks recipes! Hopefully they are some good ones! You ready to see this weeks picks? Here they are in no particular order!
1-White Bean Chowder

Perfect for the cold weather we are having right now.  I am very ready for spring to get here!
2-Black Bean and Corn Stuffed Baked Potatoes

These look delicious!  Not only are baked potatoes super easy/quick to make they are also delicious and good for you!
3-Balsamic Chicken, Spinach, Grape Tomatoes and Tortollini Salad

I have had this recipe pinned forever, and I think my favorite Trader Joe's Balsamic Dressing would be perfect for this recipe!
4-Sweet and Spicy Chicken

Just looks simply delicious!
5-How about another simple soup!

Spinach Tomato Orzo Soup!  I am in that mood again where big bowls of soup sound comforting, and extra delicious!  And what is not to love about a soup chalk full of veggies?

What did everyone do this weekend?  Any exciting adventures?
Happy Monday!

Friday, January 27, 2012

One Dud and Two Wins!

Well as the title suggests one recipe was a total flop this week while two were hands down delicious!  I have to say that we have had some pretty good turn outs with recipes!  
Lets lets refresh, this weeks menu looked something like this!
Monday: Stacked Roasted Vegetable Enchilada From Perry's Plate-Win

Lets take a look at this Stacked Roasted Vegetable Enchilada a little closer!  I know a lot of you were curious as to how this would turn out!  And let me tell you this dish is delicious, if you have this recipe pinned you need to make it.  I know it takes some time to roast veggies, but in the end the extra time is worth it.  I loved the sweet note that the sweet potatoes played in the dish, and well I am always down for a recipe that is loaded (I mean loaded) with veggies!  Add some black beans and chicken for a little extra protein!  I served this with a side salad, yes even more vegetables.  I actually cut the amount of cheese down to 3/4 cup instead of the 2 cups called for, and instead of putting cheese between every layer I just topped the dish with the cheese.  And I used 7 tortillas.  
Not the best picture, but still it was delicious!

Why was it a dud you ask? The tofu had zero flavor I mean none!  This dish was rather bland and nothing like an authentic pad thai.  I read the review for this dish and made some modifications but in the end it just wasn't good!  Sorry Clean Eating I am going to stick with this recipe!

And lets end on a win this fine Friday morning!
 Cooking Lights Beans and Rice with Chicken and Chorizo!
Delicious.  I subbed in Vegetarian sausage for the Chorizo and was extremly happy with the outcome!
The recipe only called for salt and pepper but I added garlic, paprika and cumin.  I thought the additional spices added a nice kick!  I could use more go to recipes like this.  Recipes that are delicious, healthy and take no time to prepare!
Are there any recipes you have tried lately that you were excited about and they ended up being a total flop?  Tell me about it!

And before I leave I am going to link up with Sarah of Simply Sarah for Inspiration Friday.


One goal I had for 2012 was to live more in the now verses worrying about things that are happening in the future our out of my control.  This week I had to look at this quote several times, because I noticed myself getting anxious (you know the feeling) about things that are simply out of my control!

No point in worrying about things that are out of our control, or over planning the future!  Focus on the now, don't let it pass you by!
Happy Friday Everyone!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday is the New Friday

Happy Friday Thursday!
So glad today is the last day of my work week.  For some odd reason I have been really dragging this week.   Maybe it is because I know I have an exciting weekend ahead! Does that ever happen to any of you?
Anyways the lovely Ashley over at And They Lived Happily Ever After was sweet enough to award me this lovely award!
Thanks Ashley for thinking of my blog, it was sweet of you!
For those that may not know Liebster is German and means dear, beloved or favorite!

So here are the rules:
1-Thank your Liebster Blog Award Presenter on your Blog.
2-link back to the person who gave you the award.
3-Copy and Paste the blog award on your blog.
4-Reveal the 5 blogs you pick
5- Let the bloggers you choose know!

So here are the 5 lovely ladies I have selected!
Navy and Orange
Keys to Anywhere
Miss Dixie
More to Hollywood
Pancakes and Beet Juice!
Go check out these lovely ladies and there wonderful blogs!

And now for a little It's Ok Thursday action!
Brought to you by Brunch With Amber and A Complete Waste of Makeup!

Its Ok Thursdays
It's Ok That... 
...I have a million and ones things on my to do list to accomplish because I don't have to work tomorrow!
...I have seriously over packed for a weekend visit (I always over pack)!
...yesterdays outfit included a tweed blazer I wore in my high school senior pictures!  What? Classic never goes out of style!
....Even though I have already packed to much, I will more then likely throw in some last minute items!  A girl needs options!

What about you, whats ok with you today?
Head on over and link up!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


This week is flying, and guess what tomorrow is my Friday!  Sorry, I don't want to rub it in!  I took Friday off so that I could drive down to Omaha Nebraska for the weekend to see this little lady!
My sister!
Super excited.  We plan on doing some shopping, mani/pedis, a basketball game and of course some enjoying some great food!  But on a random side not I completely forgot to mention that yesterday was national peanut butter day!  I have no idea how I didn't know.  How could I miss an entire day dedicated to a food a could practically live on!

So today in honor of yesterdays National Peanut Butter Day (and because it is What I love Wednesday), I am loving Peanut Butter!
Ok lets be real I love peanut butter all the time!  
And I am pretty pumped and loving that this work week is almost over
and that I get to spend the weekend with my family!
Oh and this is another big one!  I am loving that in two short weeks I will be off to Columbus to see Mark!  We have lots to celebrate, 2 years and Valentines day!
Thats a lot of traveling! 

Now onto Tag!
City Boy over at Life Through Preppy Glasses was kind enough to think of me and tag me in his 11 things about me post!  Yes you get to learn 11 more things about me!  I know you are all excited about this!

So here it goes
Here are the rules in case you have forgotten!

1. You must post the rules.
2. Post eleven fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you've been tagged.
4. Tag eleven people and link them in your post.
5. Let them know you've tagged them

11 things about Moi!
1- I generally lean towards blacks, navy's and neutrals when it comes to my clothing, and love the classic preppy look.  But this weekend when I went into Gap to look around I found myself drawn towards all the bright colors out right now!  This is shocking!  And yes my favorite article of clothing right now is my red pencil skirt!
2- My two favorite foods are salsa and peanut butter.  I know two polar opposite foods.  I am also strange and love dipping carrot chips into my salsa! 
3- I love anything red velvet.  Put a red velvet cupcakes with mile high cream cheese frosting in front of me and a happy girl you will get!
4- I am learning how to knit, and I have to say I cannot wait to get better.  I just need to keep working at it!
5- I am in love with my nook!  If I wasn't a zombie in the morning I would read on my little commute.  Is it sad that I sometimes find I read more blogs then I do books?  
6- I talked about ballet a lot in my post yesterday, Swan Lake is my favorite ballet.  It was the first professional ballet I saw at the age of three, and the ballet that made me want to start dancing in the first place.  
7- If I don't start my day off with a bowl of oatmeal (with peanut butter) and a good cup of coffee my morning just is not complete!  I am literally shocked at the fact that I used to hate breakfast, because now I look forward to my morning breakfast ritual (I guess you could call it that)! 
8- I have 3 tumores (don't worry no cancer).  This is a random/odd/interesting fact about me!  2 are bone tumors in my hand, and the other is a blood vessel tumor in the sole of my left foot.  I was born with all three and we are not sure why.  The foot tumor is the injury that made it hard to dance, and a reason I stopped.  And all the tumors are on the left side of my body... odd!
9- I wish that I followed the news more closely then I do. I read articles on New York Times and CNN but not nearly as much as I should.  That should have been a goal of mine for 2012!
10- One of the things on my bucket list is to go to New York and eat at the Peanut Butter and Co. Sandwich Shop.  Does this surprise anyone?
11- I have always wanted to learn how to make creme brulee, mainly because you get to use a blow torch to caramelize the sugar!  

And His 11 Questions:
1-What is your favorite store?
Nordstroms, Jcrew, Banana Republic the list could go on and on
2-What is your most memorable vacation?
Any lake trip
3-Is there one thing that bothers you more than anything else, what is it?
Yes, when people break plans because something better comes up.  Or when people call you to catch up but they have an arterial motive
4-iPhone or Blackberry?
iphone!  That thing goes everywhere with me
5-If you could, is there a moment you would take back in time?
Honestly I cannot think of any off the top of my head.  But I am sure there are times I wish I wouldn't have said some things out of anger
6-What is your current obsession?
Statement necklaces, riding boots, leopard and my red pencil skirt
7-What as your first car... did you love or hate it?
2001 Chevy Cavalier (2 Door) it was a good starter car.  Much happier with my Jeep!
8-Did you ever picture yourself where you are now, 5 years ago?
I never pictured my life the way it is now!  Funny how things don't work out exactly how you plan them!
9-Do you love sweets, if so, whats your favorite dessert?
I love chocolate.  And cupcakes (flying cupcake anyone?).  Creme Brulee, Red Velvet Cupcakes and a good chocolate cake are among my favorites.
10-2012 election, are you following it closely?
Off and On
11-What quality do you despise in others?
Dishonesty, that is a big one with me.

The 11 Bloggers I have tagged:
Paging Dr. Grace
They Lived Happily Ever After
Short, Sweet and Petite
Little Mrs. Can't Be Wrong 
Sweet Like a Song 
Henning Love
Life Love and Marriage 
Total Basset Case
Honey Whats Cooking  
And there 11 questions!
Do you tend to follow fashion trends, or stick to a more classic look?  How do you define your style?
2-Whats your go to piece in your closet right now?
3-What is one thing you wish you could go out and buy right this minute.
4-Who is your celebrity style icon?
5-Do you wish you could know what your life looks like 5 years from now, or would you rather it be a suprise?
6- Who is your favorite musical artist?
7-What is your favorite Broadway play?
8- Dogs or cats?
9- What was your favorite board game growing up?
10-Would you rather not be able to talk, or not be able to walk for the rest of your life?
11- What is your biggest fear in life?
Can't wait to read your answers!
Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Always a Part of You

Hello Lovelies!
Is every ones week off to a great start?  I hope so!
Saturday I got to do something that brought my past to the present!  I spent a few hours Saturday morning helping my moms God Daughter Izzy with her film her audition video for the American Ballet Theater summer intensive!

Dance used to be my life, I lived and breathed everything that was ballet!  I loved ballet because of how expressive of an art form it was.  I was a shy girl but when I danced I felt comfortable as if nothing else in the world mattered.  I felt strong and beautiful up on the stage dancing.  I sometimes wonder what life would have been like if I hadn't gotten injured, and what my life would look like now.  Would I still be dancing?  But despite all the what ifs I was given a wonderful reminder this past weekend.  I was reminded that even though I am no longer dancing ballet will always be a part of me, and I will always hold ballet near and dear to my heart!
Source: via Laura on Pinterest

But in all honesty all this talk about ballet has really made me miss it! And I am thinking about taking a few classes just for fun.  Maybe my muscles will remember what they are supposed to do after all these years!

What about you all, is there something you no longer do (like a sport, or dance) that has helped shape you into the person you are now?  

Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday Five? How about 3!

Hello Monday, how I wish you hadn't come so soon!
How was everyones weekend?  Did anyone do anything exciting?
The first half of my weekend was packed! Dinner party Friday, followed by a busy Saturday Morning and finally relaxing for the remainder of the weekend!

This week we are going to have the Monday 3!  Because Friday my parents and I are leaving for Omaha Nebraska to see my Sissy, and cheer the Creighton BlueJay's on in a basketball game (I am still a loyal Bulldog though)!

Lets kick off this Monday 3 with a recipe that didn't get made last week!
Stacked Roasted Vegetable Enchilada

I can say that we will have a review of this recipe this week, I know this because We are making it tonight!
Up next...
Clean Eating's Tofu Pad Thai

And last but not least
Cooking Light's Rice and Beans with Chicken and Chorizo

I am thinking my parents and  I have a great line up of recipes this week!
Here is to a great start to another week!

Happy Monday!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


I ran out of time this week to make all the delicious recipes from last weeks 5!  But I did succeeded (or my dad succeeded) in making 3 of them!

Another fabulous way to use the super grain of quinoa!  I used a Newman's Own Light ime Vinaigrette instead of the lemon one called for!  Serve with simple pan seared chicken, tofu or fish for a complete meal!
A sweeter version of stir fry!  If you love pineapple this stir fry is for you.  I was not a fan of the fish sauce, if I make this again I will sub in say sauce instead!  I also think I would have liked some onions thrown in the stir fry mix!  This however was a nice change of pace from your typical stir fry.  
and finally 
The original recipe called for prosciutto which I left out (not a huge cured ham fan)!  The pasta had a rich texture, and I loved how spinach packed the dish was.  Warning this makes a lot, my family still has leftovers!  That being said I took this pasa the next day for lunch and it reheated very nicely!

And while I am confessing that I ran out of time to make all five recipes I should also
admit that instead of trying a new recipe Saturday night I made this quiche again!
What I cannot help that it was delicious, and a huge success!  You really should make this quiche if you haven't already (yes I am being serious)!  
See you all tomorrow with a new line up of recipes from the pin board!  Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Happy Saturday!
I have decided that weekends go way to fast, and I think that is unfair!  
But lets not focus on the weekend that is going way to fast, lets talk about the food from last nights dinner party!  The night was a major success!  Not only was the food delicious but we enjoyed a night of laughs, conversation, relaxing and wine!  Who doesn't need a girls night like that every now and then!  All of us girls decided that another pin board dinner party needed to be planned ASAP!

So here is a quick review of the food
Goat Cheese:  You must make this if you are a goat cheese fan!  It is delicious!  I used tart cherries and pecans (I think any combo would work)
Quinoa Salad: Oh Martha Stewart you just have to be good at everything!  This salad was delicious, loved the fresh herbs and the feta!  And super healthy!
Skinny Taste Chicken and Mushrooms in White Wine Garlic Sauce: YUM!  If you love mushrooms you have to make this.  It takes 30 minutes to make, super easy and down right delicious!  
No Bake Chocolate Cake: WINNER (I didn't get a picture).  But think the middle of a decadent Godiva truffle in cake form, yes I am being serious!  A sliceable truffle cake.  This little cake could be dangerous because not only does it take no time to make but it is rich, chocolaty and down right yum!  I subbed in cinnamon for the all spice!  
I have to admit I didn't take many pictures (I was to busy talking, and enjoying myself)!  But I did manage to get a few!
Goat cheese, and Skinny Taste Chicken and Mushrooms in a White Wine Garlic Sauce
Beautiful flowers from Katie!  Thank You!
Well my friends I am off to relax for the rest of the evening.  I have been go go go all day and I am ready to sit and relax!  Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!  Friday 5 recipe recap coming tomorrow!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Wanna Stay for Dinner?

Hello Friday, I am so glad your here!  I am ready for a few days of relaxing.  Plus I am really looking forward to tonights festivities!  I think this little dinner party I am hosting is what got me through this week!  Tonight a few friends and I are having a pin board style dinner!  If I could have you all over for dinner tonight I would, because there is nothing I love more then entertaining and cooking for others!  So whats on the menu for this little get together tonight you ask?
Well let me show you...

A little Goat Cheese and wine to get the night started!  
Followed by a delicious quinoa salad from Martha Stewart

Chicken and Mushrooms in a Garlic White Wine Sauce, doesn't that just look simply delicious?
But wait their is more... We still have dessert!
Are you ready for this?

No Bake Chocolate Cake from 101 Cookbooks!  I made this last night, and the smell of melty chocolate was intoxicating (seriously one of the best smells)!  Just looking at these pictures makes me hungry, I am already antsy for the end of the work day!  But aside from enjoying a wonderful array of food I am looking forward to great conversation, a relaxing evening, and good wine!
Stay tuned, Sunday I will have the recap of dinner and the highs and lows of this weeks 5 pinterest recipes!

Here is to the start of a wonderful weekend!
What do you have planned this weekend?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

To Good Not To Share and It's Ok Thursday

Happy Thursday Everyone!  
The week is slowly but surely coming to an end.  And I have a delicious recipe to share with you all before I jump into It's Ok Thursday!  This recipe was not originally on my pin board, but after making it Tuesday night I just knew this recipe was going to be a keeper!  I mean my dad gave it 2 thumbs up (he has been loving all the new recipes we have been having)!

It is a spin off of a good old Beef Stroganoff.  But meaty Portabello mushrooms stand in for the beef.  There is an interesting twist to this recipe that makes the sauce creamy!  You ready for it?  Tofu!  But you know what, the tofu works especially when blended with beef broth, spices and tomato paste.  Throw the perfectly caramelized onions and mushrooms in the mix and you have a perfectly satisfying meatless dinner!
This recipe comes to you from Clean Eating Magazine (I have been finding some of the best recipes on their site).  They were the master minds behind the Spanikopita casserole (which I originally saw here)!
So head on over and check out the recipe, I promise you will not be disappointed! Click Here!

Alright now onto It's Ok Thursday!

Its Ok Thursdays

It's Ok that...
...I am counting down the days till Valentines day, because that means I get to see Mark (and celebrate 2 years)!

...I  have been looking forward to Friday all week.  Not just because it is the weekend but because of the chance to entertain and be with friends!

...I am looking forward to a relaxing lazy Saturday morning.  Pancakes anyone?

...after seeing the current temp in Minnesota I googled warmer places to live!  I don't get along with negative temps!

Happy Thursday Everyone!  Whats ok with you today?