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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Oh the weather outside it frightful... Not really but it did finally snow up here in Minnesota!  It now just feels like the Holiday season, snow just makes the world of a difference.  Plus I feel that if the weather is going to be this cold you at least deserve something pretty to look at right?

But I did just realize something terribly crazy yesterday!  I don't own a winter coat or snow pants, and I am from Minnesota!!  Mark and I were talking about going skiing when I came to this realization.  I honestly cannot tell you the last time I bought snow pants, elementary school maybe? Middle School?  I am really not sure!  I mean yes I have my nice wool winter coats, but it would be nice to have a good down winter coat!  So I decided to do a little online shopping and find some of this seasons styles I love the most!
Here is what I found!
You can't go wrong with a North Face.  I love this trench because it is two coats in one.  I also like that it is longer, that way it will help keep my legs a bit warmer!

My sister bought a jacket similar to this one the other day.  I like it because it does not look as puffy, some down jackets make you look like the Michelin man!  This would be a great jacket for sledding, and well maybe skiing (yes Mark may finally get me out on the ski slopes, funny ski story I will share later)!
And last but not least just a good old winter coat, sleek and simple!

Oh and because a girl can dream...
I promise Santa I have been really good this year!!  
Now it is officially time to set the Pandora stations to Christmas music (Michele Buble Christmas Station anyone?), sit back with a cup of this, 
(Starbucks White Hot Chocolate)
Oh yea and finish out the work week!
I hope you all have a fabulous day!

Oh and did anyone watch the lighting of the Rockefeller Tree?
Just beautiful!
New life goal is to go to New York and see the Rockefeller Tree be lit in person!