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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What I am Loving Wednesday

Happy middle of the week!  How has everyone's first half of the week been going?  My week got off to a bit of a rocky start but I think the week is going to end on a great note.  I just have a feeling!  I was thinking about the blog and realized I hadn't done a "What I am Loving Wednesday" in weeks!  So I figured I was well over do for one.  I felt like sharing the little things that are making me happy this week!

Even though I am not crazy excited about the snow and cold weather that has been hitting Minnesota lately (below zero with negative wind chill!), I am loving new cozy sweaters!  I purchased three new sweaters this weekend when I went shopping with my mamma!  Think little boutique kind of shops (a favorite of mine).  There is just something about cold weather and cozy sweaters that go hand in hand!  Don't ya think?
Bought something similar to this in black and cream!
I am loving this necklace that I found at Target!

I wasn't even looking for jewelry, but when I saw it I just had to have it!  I love that it goes with so many different things! I really want to go back and get this one...

I am loving homemade snacks! More specifically homemade Larabars!
They are so much better then the store bought ones, and to me they taste a whole lot fresher!  
I cannot wait to try out more flavors, Key Lime Pie here I come!
I am loving that I got to have coffee with an old friend yesterday that I have not seen in ages.  I am loving that a good conversation over coffee can leave you relaxed and at ease with life.  It was truly good to catch up, and talk about our lives.  I really needed that!
And on a coffee note while my mom and I were shopping in the little quaint shops of Decorah Iowa we found Cinnamon Sugar Cookie Coffee!  YUM!
And last but not least a dinner party is always something to love!  More specifically a dinner party with friends, wine and recipes from your pinboard!  More details on this to come!
The Challenge Continues!
What are you loving this Wednesday?

Oh and just a bit of inspiration to get us through the day!

A good reminder to live in the now!