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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Guest Post - My Yoga Teacher Journey

I am so excited for today's post!  My little sister Miranda is sharing all about her journey to becoming a Yoga Teacher!  I am insanely proud of her for going after this dream of hers! Thanks, Miranda for sharing your journey with us! 

It never ceases to amaze me how people have such strong opinions about Yoga. Including, if they practice yoga, the studio they sweat at, , types of classes, and all the accessories (I can’t stop buying yoga clothes). I had never really been a “yogi”- I always saw yoga as a waste of a workout because “if you weren’t sweating and doing cardio, you aren’t getting a workout."  Enter Yoga Sculpt at Core Power Yoga (CPY)! My friend Lindsey is an avid sculpter and lived next to a studio. She convinced me to come along one day and I was INSTANTLY hooked.

What made it different? It took the principles of yoga but added weights and cardio all while being HEATED to 93 degrees. It was high intensity, heart pumping, with all the jams you could ever want.

I started going religiously- I am talking 5-6 times a week. Somehow, I still couldn’t bring myself to go to a “real” yoga class. It seemed too zen. At this point I felt pretty part of the CPY community and met some bad a** instructors. One of which really encouraged me to attend teacher training. I was at a point where I wasn’t feeling challenged at work, I had some big personal life changes and thought “why not? I am not committing to teaching.”

Our crew from YSTT (Yoga Sculpt Teacher Training) graduation! 
Through the 5 weeks of Teacher Training and then 4 weeks of extensions- I met AMAZING people, learned so much about myself, took my first “real” yoga class and pushed myself way outside my comfort zone.

We invited friends to take free classes and with each session I felt more confident in my knowledge and ability to teach and LOVED it. So much so that I decided to teach!

Friends that came to our free classes!

I started teaching at YogaFit and the YMCA and am honestly so happy with it! I was so scared before my first class, what if I forget my words, what I if I sound like an idiot. And then I remembered the class isn’t about me- it’s about my students having a great work out, fun, and doing so in a safe way. If I keep them at the center of my mindset all will be okay!

Two of my instructors/mentors/friends and boyfriend at my First class! 
I am so thankful to the CPY community for building me into the teacher I am and for providing me a great foundation! I think Yoga Teacher Training taught me to go outside my comfort zone and live my life in the most authentic way.

What is stopping you from taking that next step in something you want to do?

Hope you all enjoyed this post, again thank you Miranda for sharing your journey with us!    For those in the Minneapolis area that are interested, Miranda teaches Monday/Tuesday at the Minneapolis YMCA and Saturday at YogaFit in Northeast!   I am taking her class in a few weeks at YogaFit, I am so excited!