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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Time

Happy Tuesday!
Thank you all for the kind comments these past few days!  They were much appreciated.  My life is changing, but change isn't always bad.  I have to remember that things happen for a reason.  I took the past few days to think.   I really thought about what I want, and focused on the things that make me happy.  And I came to this conclusion I want to enjoy this time in my life to the fullest.  I am young,  I have a new job, and I am moving to a wonderful city full of friends!  This is my time!

With that being said this weekend was a whirlwind, and I have to say I wish it was still Saturday!  Anyone else with me on that?  The weekend started with an apartment hunt!  That is a pretty big thing you have to check off a to do list before you can move!  I tackled the apartment hunt head on Friday and guess what...
I found a place to live!!!!
Downtown Minneapolis here I come!
I am ready to take on the city, and experience city life first hand!
I have to say the idea of living downtown Minneapolis in my own apartment has me all giddy inside!  I cannot wait to have my own place, I can't wait to decorate!  I have been scouring Pinterest for inspiration, yes I have killed a lot of time (lots of inspiration to blog about)!

 So there you have it!  Life is changing and I am ready to embrace it!  
I am ready for the uncertainty, the new challenges, I am ready to learn from new experiences and enjoying life in an exciting city!  And in the words of Dr Seuss

Have a great day everyone!!