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Friday, July 25, 2014

{Sweet and Spicy Brussell Sprouts}

If you would have told me 20 years ago that brussel sprouts would be one of my favorite vegetables, I probably would have laughed in your face, or turned up my little nose!  Because let me tell you brussel sprouts do not look that appetizing to a little kid.  They are green, leafy and to be honest kind of ugly!  So how did I go from loathing brussel sprouts to loving them?  I have no idea!  But honestly I love them! 

I whipped these little green guys up the other night as a nice veggie side for our chicken.  Let me just tell you that between Derek, my sister and I there were no leftover brussel sprouts!  I guess they were a hit!  I pan seared these little green guys in coconut oil with onion and garlic until golden brown and slightly crispy.  I then finished them off with a sweet and spicy "glaze"  that I think elevated the whole dish!  Make them as your next side, maybe you will even get your picky veggie eaters to eat their veggies! 

Sweet and Spicy Brussel Sprouts
Brunch N'Cupcakes 
Serves 2-4 

2-3 Cups Brussel Sprouts Halved - Outside leaves discarded 
2 Teaspoons Coconut Oil 
1/2 Medium Onion Roughly Chopped 
2 Garlic Gloves Minced 
1/2 Teaspoon Ginger 
Salt and Pepper to Taste 
2 Tablespoons Reduced Sodium Soy Sauce 
1 Tablespoon Honey 
1 -2 Teaspoons Chili Garlic Sauce - Depending on how spicy you like them! 

1- In a large skillet heat coconut oil until melted.  Add onions and sautee until tender.  Add in garlic and cook until fragrant. 
2- Add halved brussel sprouts to skillet and cook until golden brown (about 15 min). 
3- In a small bowl mix together ginger, soy sauce, honey and chili garlic sauce.  Whisk ingredients together until well combined.  Pour over brussel sprouts and let cook an additional 3-4 minutes. 
4- Serve immediately! 

Enjoy !