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Friday, March 1, 2019

My Relationship with Running

Sharing a little different post with you today, a post I have been thinking about writing for a while now.   It just took me longer then anticipated to get my thoughts out on “paper.” 

If you have followed the blog for any length of time, or even my Instagram account you will know that I used to be an obsessed runner!  I was never the fastest runner, and I never won any races but I was obsessed.  Obsessed with logging miles, pushing my body, and reaching new PR times. I was constantly thinking or talking about runningto the point where running sort of became my only identity. Don’t get me wrong, identifying as a runner is not a bad thing, but running consumed every part of me to the point where running felt like a chore most days and was turning into more of a stresser in my life than a stress reliever. 

I share this background with you because having Theo has changed my relationship and outlook on running and working out in general.  When I was pregnant with Theo I viewed running and working out as a way of keeping myself healthy to endure the 9 months of carrying a baby.  Working out pregnant helped me clear my head and feel like my pre-pregnancy self.  I will admit once I delivered Theo I was anxious to get back to my pre-baby self, and counted down the weeks until I was cleared to workout.  But what happened once I was cleared to workout again amazed me.

I found myself running when I had time, or when my body truly felt up to it.  I learned what it meant to truly take a rest day and listen to my body.  I found I had more fun pushing Theo in the running stroller for short runs than on solo runs.  And I felt like my love for running was coming back.  I was enjoying moving my body, and not stressing about the next training run our if I would PR in a half (or other race distance).    

I share all this with you because sometimes we get so sucked into one aspect of our life that it can consume us.  Having Theo was a good way for me to reexamine my life and priorities.  Having a healthy body and lifestyle is still a priority but being a wife, mom and Christian are also major priorities that come before running or working out. I also share this with you because it is ok to examine your life and shift your priorities.  You have to do what is best for your current life and not try to fit societies standard for yourself!