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Friday, October 5, 2012

A Night at the Ballet

Well we made it to Friday and I am so glad we did because I have a fun filled evening, and weekend! 
Tonight Derek is taking me to see Minnesota Dance Theater perform The Enchantment: 12 Dancing Princesses at the Cowles Center (one of my birthday gifts, such a sweet guy)!

I have been dying to go see a ballet at the new Cowles Performing Art center ever since I moved downtown Minneapolis.  The Cowles center is now connected to the building where I used to study ballet (the Hennepin Center for the Arts). 

"The Cowles Center for Dance and the Performing Arts permanently connects two of downtown Minneapolis' most historic structures, The Hennepin Center for the Arts (HCA) and the former Shubert Theater, which originally stood two blocks apart." (Source)

Isn't it beautiful?
It is hard to believe that this beautiful performing art center now exist, especially because the plans were just being talked about when I was still dancing up in Minneapolis! 
To say I am excited is a bit of an understatement!  

To follow our fun filled Friday evening,  Saturday morning bright an early (like 7:30 early) Derek and I will be up getting ready to run my first ever 10k! 

I am excited for my first race, all in all it is going to be a good weekend! 

Stay tuned for the recap! 
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!