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Monday, June 25, 2012


Happy Monday Darlings! Did you all have a good weekend? Ready for another week? I am! I am hoping the week goes fast, because Friday we are off to Omaha to see this little lady, 
 And celebrate her 21st birthday! Hard to believe my little sister is going to be 21! Don't we look so mature in that picture? 

 Anyways this past weekend I golfed for my very first time! And while I was nowhere near good I had a blast! I was a little surprised that I could even hit the ball! I am convinced that if I had pink golf clubs I would be amazing!

 Saturday turned out to be a beautiful day, perfect for an evening on the water with friends! Lake Minnetonka is beautiful, 
and I enjoyed good company and drooling over the many massive mansions on the lake!
 Since I am out of town this weekend I picked a pin recipes that will help me clean out the fridge! I secretly love weeks where I don't have to grocery shop, although now that the new Lunds is open across the street I don't really mind grocery shopping! Shall we take a look at the recipe? 

 Looks like a good one to me! What do you think? 
 Have a great start to your week!