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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Weekend Recap - Bayfield WI Edition

This past weekend Derek and I drove 4 hours to spend a semi long weekend with my family in beautiful Bayfield WI! 

I had mentioned in this post that my entire family was going up North for the weekend to celebrate a belated Father's Day, my momma's birthday and the little ones birthday as well! 

And even though the weather was less then perfect most of the weekend, we had a blast!  It was nice to be able to get away for a short amount of time and just simply relax.  We had no real plans, no agenda or place to be and I loved it! 

Once Derek and I got to Bayfield on Friday we relaxed for a bit before getting ready for our big celebratory dinner!  My dad had made reservations at Wild Rice which is one of the nicer restaurants in the Bayfield area!  

I loved the open layout of the restaurant, the food, wine list and even the quirky bathroom decor! 

I sampled the local white fish and trout for dinner (sorry no pictures) and it was delicious.  What did everyone else enjoy?  Scallops and steak of course!  Our meal ended with a delicious molton chocolate cake and a selection of sorbets!  An excellent way to end a great meal! 

Once dinner was over we all decided it was time to turn in for the evening so we could enjoy a jam packed Saturday!  Unfortunately Saturday we woke up to overcast skies and drizzle but we made the most of our day!   Early Saturday morning my mom, Derek and I meandered around downtown before finally returning back to our condo with the most delicious and decadent of breakfast! 

Winebread, Carmel rolls and cinnamon rolls! 

In Bayfield the Candy Shoppes famous for their winebread.  Read about it here and here.  The Candy Shoppes winebread is dough (much like cinnamon bread dough) which is rolled out, topped with a fruit topping, folded, baked and finally topped with the most amazing cream cheese icing!  The wine bread and rolls were heavenly!  A perfect birthday treat for my mom and a great way to kick start our day!  After the whole gang showered and got pretty we headed back out to explore and shop 

before finally making our way to a local winery for wine tasting! 

I have to say I think the All Sisters' Winery may have been the highlight of everyones day! We spent hours there tasting the fabulous wine, taking pictures, enjoying each others company and chatting with Caitlin the winemaker/owner!   It was such an amazing experience!  Read about the All Sister's Winery here - it truly is an awesome story (Mother/daughter owned)!  And if your ever in the Bayfield area go check it out! 

So after our 2 hour tasting and a case of wine later we were off again for dinner at Ethel's at 250.  One word somes of dinner - fabulous!  Great pasta! 

Our night ended with wine, Farkle and relaxing! 

Sunday our final day in Bayfield (at least for Derek and I)  we were welcomed by sunshine and 80 degree weather which was perfect for our ferry trip to Madeline Island! 

We spent the afternoon walking around Madeline Island snapping pictures and just being regular old tourist!  We enjoyed lunch at The Pub before taking the ferry back across Lake Superior to Bayfield. 

 To say it was a great weekend might be a bit of an understatement!  We had a fabulous time and I truly wish we could have stayed longer!  And if your ever in the mood for an up North trip I highly recommend checking out quaint little Bayfield! 

Happy Tuesday everyone!