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Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to the best dad a girl could ask for!
To a dad who never missed a single ballet performance (and there were a lot of them)
and a dad that even learned how to put a ballet bun in a squirmy 5 year olds hair!
To a dad who has been there for me through the good and bad, tears and all.  To a dad who has encouraged me to keep going when the going gets tough.
To a dad with a great since of humor, who can play some of the best practical jokes.
To a dad that knows sometimes you just need a shoulder to cry on.
And finally to a dad who has taught me some of the greatest lessons in life.  To be true to myself, work hard, stand up for what I believe in and to care, respect and give to others!
Thanks dad for everything you have done!  I love you, Happy Birthday!