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Friday, April 25, 2014

{Looking Back; Long Distance Races}

With my (and my sisters) half marathon being tomorrow, I find myself mentally prepping for the long race ahead! 

I in vision myself briskly running along, pushing through the challenges of the run, and in vision myself strongly crossing the finish line!  I find that visualizing a positive race the day before actually helps get me in the right mind set for actual race day! 

13.1 miles is no joke, it can be mentally and physically exhausting.  But, with that being said, I love the challenge (some more days then others).  I love the build up of anticipation as you wait at the start line, and love the thrill of crossing the finish line even more!  I am going into this race with no goal times, I am simply just running because it is something that I love to do!  So as I mentally prep for this distance race, lets take a look back at some of my best and favorite races! 

TC 10 Miler - 2013