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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Winter Treat - The Best Hot Chocolate Ever!

It has officially snowed here in Minnesota.

And while the snow might not stick around for long, the sight of the white fluffy stuff swirling outside my apartment window certainly got me in the mood for my favorite winter drink... Hot Chocolate!  

Hot chocolate is one of those drinks that goes hand in hand with big fluffy blankets, a great book or movie and snow watching!

While I don't aways love to be out and about in the snow, I always enjoy sitting and watching the snow swirl and fly around the sky.  It is almost as if your in a giant snow globe.

(source) - Cooking Lights Barcelona Hot Chocolate

So today in honor of our first snow fall I thought I would share a delicious homemade hot chocolate recipe, that my dear friend Katie passed along to me!  This hot chocolate recipe is so easy to make and makes a great gift!  Oh, and did I mention it is down right delicious?  Because it is!  So grab your ingredients, your favorite mug and curl up in your coziest blanket to enjoy the most delicious hot chocolate ever!

The Most Delicious Homemade Instant Cocoa
 Recipe From - My Dear Friend Katie

**This makes a large batch!  Store hot cocoa mix in an air tight container such as a mason jar!

4 Cups Nesquick
1 LB (9.6 oz.) Carnation Powdered Milk
6 Oz. Container Regular Coffee Mate Creamer
2 Cups Powder Sugar

1 - Combine all your ingredients stirring well to combine.
2- Store in an air tight container

To Serve:
 1- Heat up 1 1/2 Cups water
2- Add 1/3 Cup Cocoa Mix to hot water and stir until combined.
3- Sit back and enjoy!

Add in Marshmallows if you wish!

Other delicious hot chocolate recipes from around the web:
Cooking Light - Barcelona Hot Chocolate
White Chocolate Peppermint Hot Chocolate 
Carmel Swirl Hot Chocolate 
