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Friday, February 21, 2014

{Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup}

 Blustery days filled with twirling snow calls for soup, and not just any soup… my favorite soup!   For as long as I can remember Chicken noodle soup has been my absolute favorite. 

Simple yes, but a warm bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup is anything but boring.  Chicken noodle soup is one of those classic soups that I never get sick of, and is one of those foods that is comforting to me, brings back memories of my childhood.  I remember growing up I had (probably still have) a white bowl that had tiny yellow ducks painted on the rim, it was the bowl I always had to use when eating chicken noodle soup.   I thought of this bowl last night as I sat enjoying my homemade chicken noodle soup out of what I call my grown up duck bowl (the one in the picture).   Like I said, chicken noodle soup just reminds me of being a kid, and is still to this day one of my favorites!  

 Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup 
Brunch N' Cupcakes 
Serves 6 

4 1/2 Cups Chicken Stock (I used Organic 360, great flavor) 
2 Cooked Chicken Breast cut into Chunks 
1 Small Onion 
6 Carrots Peeled and Chopped 
2 Cups Egg Noodles 
1 Teaspoon Olive Oil 
1 Big Handful Fresh Parsley Chopped 
2 Teaspoon Fresh Mint Chopped 
2-3 Teaspoons Fresh Lemon  Thyme Chopped (leaves) 
1/2 Teaspoon Ground Ginger 
Salt and Pepper to Taste 

1- In a large stock pot heat one teaspoon olive oil.  Saute onions until tender.  Add carrots into stock pot and cook until carrots are tender (8-10 min) 
2- Stir in spices (ginger, salt and pepper) add stock and bring to boil. 
3- Once boiling add egg noodles, reduce to a simmer and cook 10-12 minutes or until noodles are tender. 
4- Stir in cubed chicken and fresh herbs, and serve. 
