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Friday, June 8, 2012

The Return of the Friday 5!

Happy Friday Folks! 
Who is ready for the weekend?  I know I am! 
I felt I was long over due for a Friday 5 post!  So here is my Friday 5, followed by a recap of this weeks pin recipes!  

1- I am extremely excited that Saturday the weather is supposed to be beautiful!
91 degrees and sunny (not a cloud in the sky)!  Time to bust out the swim suits and work on that tan of mine!  

2-I am also really excited that in just 7 days a Lunds (local Minneapolis grocery store)  will be opening up right across the street from my apartment!  
I plan on taking full advantage of this!  

3-  I need to buy one of these! 

I am obsessed with Spa Water, current flavor obsessions are pineapple and strawberry!  The cafeteria at my office does 3 different Spa waters each day!  The naturally flavored waters are a good change from plain old water!   Target sells them online for about $20 check it out

4- I am still lusting over these! 
5- Currently Loving This Song!
Train Drive By

Now lets get on with that recipe review!
I thought both recipes were excellent!  But lets start with Ready Set Eats Southwestern Soup!

I made mine super spicy, and was happy with the result!  Top with some avocado and a little greek yogurt and you have a quick and healthy meal!  I also served warm whole grain tortillas on the side! 
This recipe got a thumbs up!

This got two major thumbs up!  For our first time grilling, I think the chicken turned out excellent!  I loved the cucumber relish!  I thought the crisp cucumber added a fresh taste to these wraps.  I also made a simple Tzatziki with a little greek yogurt to dollop on top!  I am for sure making these again!

Well there you have it a recipe recap and a Friday 5!
Enjoy your weekend everyone!  

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