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Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Happy Tuesday Folks! 
Minnesota was hit with some pretty hot weather this weekend!  And I loved it!  

There is nothing like spending a weekend relaxing in beautiful weather!
Friday night I headed down to Stillwater right on the St. Croix River for a little boating, grilling and wine!
Have any of you ever tried Turkey Brats?  
Since I am not a pork fan I thought this would be a great option for me! 
I found some Spinach and Garlic ones at Target!  

Saturday I spent the afternoon basking in the sun, enjoying the company of some wonderful people! 
Nothing says summer like sitting on a deck, and grilling!  

Sunday I picked up this dress from Banana Republic!

I am in love!  I was originally just going to make returns at Banana before heading down to Rochester for a wedding, but one look at the Trina Turk Dress and I knew I had to have it! 

Has anyone else seen the Trina Turk collection for Banana? 

She designed some great pieces for them!
The dress was perfect for an outdoor wedding, nice, light and so summery! 
The wedding was held at the lovely and historic Old Stone Barn in Rochester. 

A beautiful wedding location, just down the road from the old Mayowood Masion (you remember the Mayo brothers right?  and the Foundation House?)

We had a fun evening chatting and laughing!
I even got to see this little lady!
She has the cutest baby bump! 

Needless to say after such a fun filled weekend I am a bit exhausted!  
But I am ready for a good week!

Oh and one more thing before I leave
Check out the new Pin recipes I am trying this week!

I am hoping these are delicious.  To me the recipe sounds almost like Flaffel!  

I am also looking for a good recipe for Swordfish.  I want to serve the fish along with these Brussel Sprouts, yum!
Stay tuned for the results!  Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone!  


  1. i love the flavored chicken sausages at target...trader joe's has some good ones too!

    cute dress! i got an email about that new collection at banana, but haven't been to the store yet to see it in person!

  2. It looks like Minnesota is treating you well! And you've definitely made lots of friends super quickly (unless you knew a lot of people there before...). I'll gChat you soon so we can do a proper catch up!


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