Happy Friday Thursday!
So glad today is the last day of my work week. For some odd reason I have been really dragging this week. Maybe it is because I know I have an exciting weekend ahead! Does that ever happen to any of you?
Anyways the lovely Ashley over at And They Lived Happily Ever After was sweet enough to award me this lovely award!
Thanks Ashley for thinking of my blog, it was sweet of you!
For those that may not know Liebster is German and means dear, beloved or favorite!
So here are the rules:
1-Thank your Liebster Blog Award Presenter on your Blog.
2-link back to the person who gave you the award.
3-Copy and Paste the blog award on your blog.
4-Reveal the 5 blogs you pick
5- Let the bloggers you choose know!
So here are the 5 lovely ladies I have selected!
Navy and Orange
Keys to Anywhere
Miss Dixie
More to Hollywood
Pancakes and Beet Juice!
Go check out these lovely ladies and there wonderful blogs!
Keys to Anywhere
Miss Dixie
More to Hollywood
Pancakes and Beet Juice!
Go check out these lovely ladies and there wonderful blogs!
And now for a little It's Ok Thursday action!
Brought to you by Brunch With Amber and A Complete Waste of Makeup!

Brought to you by Brunch With Amber and A Complete Waste of Makeup!
It's Ok That...
...I have a million and ones things on my to do list to accomplish because I don't have to work tomorrow!
...yesterdays outfit included a tweed blazer I wore in my high school senior pictures! What? Classic never goes out of style!
....Even though I have already packed to much, I will more then likely throw in some last minute items! A girl needs options!
What about you, whats ok with you today?
Head on over and link up!