I have another fun little get to know me post for you all today! Q&A with yours truly! I saw this previously on Dayna and Amanda's blog and just had to do it! I hope you enjoy learning a bit more about me!
1. What time did you get up this morning?
5 AM! I leave my house around 6:20 and I hate feeling rushed!
2. How do you like your steak?
I am not a steak person, red meat is just not my thing! GIve me a nice piece of fish and I am one happy girl!
3. What was the last movie you saw at the theater?
I want to say it was Sarah's Key, and despite being very sad and thought provoking I loved it!
4. What is your favorite TV show?
Hmmm I really like Food Network cooking shows, Man VS Food...HGTV anyone? I am not a person that watches a ton of TV, but from time to time I do tune into the shows we all love like the Real Housewives and such!
5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
I would love to live somewhere that has lots of my favorite things. Such as the arts, good local restaurants interesting entertainment and the people I love and care about the most!
Italy would be pretty neat, or Chicago! I will just have to wait and see where my path takes me!
6. What did you have for breakfast?
7. Do you wear glasses or contacts?
I wear glasses when I read or work on the computer.
8. What food do you despise?
Hmmm off the top of my head the only thing I can think of is red meat! I am sure if I sat and thought about it for longer I could come up with some more!
9. Favorite Place to Eat?
. It depends on where I am at and what food I feel like eating! I love local restaurants. When Mark and I travel we like to find the little dives (this is something he has gotten me into)! One of my all time favorite places to eat was Zest! in Indianapolis!
They had by far the best brunch! In Rochester I love the Red Wood Room!
10. Favorite dressing?
Balsamic for sure, I am also a huge fan of salsa on salads!
11.What kind of vehicle do you drive?
2005 Jeep Liberty
12. What are your favorite clothes?
I am a total dress girl, always have been! I didn't buy a pair of jeans till the 5th grade!
And heels I love heels, I will pick heels over any other shoe to wear!
13. Where would you visit, this weekend, if you had the chance?
Columbus Ohio to see Mark! Good news though he booked his flight to Minnesota for New Years! But if Mark could go with me, I would for sure go to Napa Valley (I have been dying to go there)!
14. How many tattoos do you have?
Nope, none! My dad said if I ever got one he would disown me! Harsh but motivation not to get one!
15. Where would you want to retire?
Somewhere on the lake. With a boat, and a beautiful house with big windows over looking the lake! That would be ideal!
16. What is your desktop photo?
A picture of Mark and I! It is from a bike ride this summer with my parents.
17. Where were you born?
Fairfield Illinois, same hospital as my dad
18. What is your favorite sport to watch?
Hockey! The only sport I semi understand! I usually root for the Chicago Blackhawks while Mark is a Pittsburgh Penguins fan!
19. How many siblings?
I have one younger sister! And yes she is much taller then me!
20. Favorite pastime/hobby?
Spending time with family and friends, cooking/baking/looking up recipes, working out/running, entertaining, and reading (though I don’t do it enough)
21. Coffee Drinker?
Yes, my morning isn’t complete without it (addicted to my keurig)!
22. Are you a morning person or a night person?
I am a total morning person now a days! I don’t remember how to sleep in! Sleeping into me is now 7 or 8!
23. Do you have any pets?
At my parents house we have 2 puppies! Baxter our Golden Retriever, and a little guy prince!
24. What did you want to be when you were little?
A Ballerina. I danced ballet for 23 years of my life, and got a minor in dance from Butler.
25. What is your favorite color?
Pink and Orange. I am also starting to really love red!
26. Are you a cat or dog person?
Dogs all the way! I want a chocolate lab so bad!
27. Are you married?
Not yet! But I do have a pretty wonderful boyfriend who I love very much!
28. Always wear your seat belt?
Always. My dad is an ER doctor seat belts are a must, they save lives! And my car does that annoying beeping noise if I don't put it on!
29. Been in a car accident?
Yes just one. However it did total my little car!
30. Any pet peeves?
When people are really really late, or they cancel plans at the last minute!
31. Favorite Pizza Toppings?
Hmm that would have to be tomato, fresh basil and mozzarella. With an garlic olive oil sauce!
32. Favorite Flower?
Red Tulips, and lilys.
33. Favorite ice cream?
Peanut Butter Frozen Yogurt! Hands down I would choose frozen yogurt with all the fixings over ice cream!
But if I am in Ohio and there is a graters near by I am all about the ice cream, hello buckeye blitz!
34. Favorite fast food restaurant?
Hmmm, I never really eat fast food, and honestly cannot remember the last time I ate it! But I do love Chipotle Chips and Guacamole, and Jimmy Johns too!
35. From whom did you get your last email?