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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Festive Red Velvet

Are you ever stumped on what to make for dessert?  Especially dessert for say an important dinner or a holiday?  If you answered yes to both questions then you are like me!  Christmas eve my mom looked at me and goes "So what are we going to have for dessert tonight... anything?" I just looked back at her with a blank (probably half asleep) expression.  I hadn't given any thought as to what we would have for dessert, to be honest I thought we would eat cookies!  Christmas Eve dinner in the Wolfe household is kind of a no brainer.  We always have that wonderful Chicken Wild Rice soup I shared with your here.  But dessert, there is no set dessert for Christmas eve.  So the question of what are we having for dessert sent me straight to the cupboard of cookbooks!  I am not sure how many cookbooks I looked through.  I looked through everything from William Sonoma, to the Mayo Clinic and even The Barefoot Contessa, but nothing stuck out to me.  To me I like things simple on Christmas Eve, however simple doesn't mean lack of flavor!

Just as I was feeling a bit desperate to find a recipe I remembered my latest issue of Cooking Light!

  The December issue was stocked full of delicious desserts, desserts that looked both simple, elegant and adorable (think cupcakes and mini bundt cakes)!  Flipping through the magazine again made my mouth water (cooking light has amazing pictures)! I finally decided on a very festive looking Red Velvet Cupcake (yes red velvet is my favorite, but hey red is festive for Christmas)! 
You can find the recipe I used here (there is also a chocolate and vanilla cupcake recipe from the issue).  I followed it to a T.  I was very happy with the way these little gems turned out.  They are probably the best red velvet cupcakes I have made.  And the cream cheese frosting isn't to shabby!  I swirled in a bit of red food coloring like the recipe called for, and I ended up with a swirly almost candy cane like effect!
  I will warn you these cupcakes can seem a bit involved, but I thought the end result was worth it.  I ended up having extra cream cheese frosting so I am looking for an excuse to use it!  Suggestions are welcome!      Now go put those aprons on and get to baking! 
What do you all make for a holiday dessert?

4 Day Work Week

I have to say it was a bit hard to get up for work this morning!  My mind is reminding my body however that today is Tuesday, even though it feels like a Monday!  Hello 4 day work week.  I  am hoping these 4 days of work go quickly, because I am already looking forward to the upcoming 3 day weekend!  Nothing like a long relaxing weekend, especially when you have a special guest coming!!  

Now while I  try to convince my brain to do some work  run and get a very large coffee from Starbucks (shot of Espresso maybe?), you sit back and enjoy this movie trailer from the cutest (who doesn't love zoo animals) movie I have seen!

PS!  I got this cookbook for Christmas!
I squealed with delight when I opened it (cannot wait to try a million recipes form it)!  If you have not checked out the cooking blog Peas and Thank You then I highly suggests you go do it now! 
And the recipe for these little gems will be coming soon!
Happy Monday I mean Tuesday everyone!