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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That

I just realized my last post was about a week ago!  
I have been a bad blogger, and apologize because this post might be all over the place!

Here is a quick little list of things that have been going on in my life this past week! 
First things first, move went smoothly and I am slowly settling into a routine in the big city! 
I promise I will have pictures for you ASAP (gotta hang those pictures)!  My first apartment is slowly coming together.  I have a few things left to unpack, and a few odds and ends left that I need to purchase!

Here are a few other highlights for this past week!
A 3 mile run around Lake Calhoun!
Happy Hour with Old Friends, at Britt's Pub!
A wonderful brunch at Victors 1959 Cafe
Hello Mango Waffles!  AMAZING!  You know my world isn't complete without a go to brunch place!
Oh and how could I forget!  I started my big girl corporate job!  I think it is safe to say this past week has been a whirlwind of excitement 

Now before I go today I have one last thing for you all!
The pin challenge!  I need to retrain myself on how to cook for one!  But I guess leftovers wouldn't be a bad thing!

So here they are, this weeks pin recipes! 
Hungry Girls Chicken Tortilla Soup!

Nothing better then a big pot of soup, especially when you can take leftovers for lunch! 
Chipotle Lime Chicken Tacos!

Don't these look delicious?  I cannot wait to try these!
Happy Tuesday Everyone!


  1. Those waffles look amazing! And I am a sucker for tacos! Hope you are loving life in the big city! Soak up every moment!

  2. so glad the move went well! all of your recipes look delicious as always!!

  3. Glad to hear you're getting settled in and loving your new city!! Finding a great brunch place is definitely crucial ;) And both of those recipes look delicious! I can't wait to hear what you thought of them.

  4. The tacos look amazing! So glad you are settling in!

  5. Glad you're doing so well! I cannot wait to see pics of your new place. :) I definitely need to make those tacos stat!!! YUMMMM

  6. mmm these all look SO delicious, especially the mango waffles! i hope settling in is going well!


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