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Monday, April 23, 2012

Happy Belated First Birthday!

I would like to wish a very Happy Belated Birthday to my little blog Brunch and Cupcakes! 
Hard to believe that this time last year I got the idea to start my blog, wow has the time flown by!  I want to say thank you to each person who has supported my little blog this past year!  I keep blogging because of all of you!

So with that being said!  
Happy 1st Birthday Brunch and Cupcakes!
Can't wait to see what this year has in store for my little piece of the blog world! 

Now are you all ready for some recipe recaps?
Lets start with these?
 Chipotle Lime Chicken Tacos I made these last week and they were delicious!  
I highly recommend making them!  They are easy, healthy and tasty.  Not to mention the chicken makes a great salad topper if you have leftovers!  These lovely tacos also got approval from my taste tester!  

And the final recipe from last weeks pin challenge was this Chicken Tortilla Soup from Hungry Girl!

Super easy to make!  I boiled my chicken ahead of time, which meant the entire meal came together in about 30 minutes!  I added some spinach for extra nutrition and also added a jalapeno and red pepper! 
Great to take for lunch, and a great quick week night meal! 

I am still working on this weeks menu, stay tuned I am working on some mouth watering options! 
Happy Monday Everyone, Have a fabulous start to your work week! 


  1. omg! i just pinned those tacos! i will need to try those in my weekly rotation!! and congrats on the one year mark!! happy monday!

  2. you picked an excellent cupcake photo...sprinkles are some of the best :)


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