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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The End Of a Chapter

Well folks Happy Tuesday!
It is officially my last day of work here in Rochester.
The point where one chapter closes and another begins.  
This whole transition is a little bittersweet, I am sad to be leaving friends/coworkers yet excited for the future.  Funny how you can be excited, nervous, and scared all at the same time.  

As this chapter comes to an end I have a list a mile long of things I am looking forward to (and another list just as long of things to do).  While I can't be 100% sure where my life is headed I know there is a plan, and I know it will be exciting!  Now it is time to enjoy ever little bit of life, and embrace the changes!

So with that I am off, next time I blog I will be a city girl in my very own big girl apartment!
Stay tuned for some pictures! 


  1. Good luck girl! :) You're gonna have so much fun!!

  2. Good luck Hilliary! You're gonna be great in the city!!

  3. Best of luck and I cannot wait to see your new big city life!! XOX

  4. So exciting!! Congrats again! Can't wait to read about all your new adventures!!!

  5. Congrats on your new transition! I hope everything goes smoothly! :)

  6. EEK!!! I'm so excited for you!!!

  7. oooh, have fun in Minneapolis. can't wait to see your pics.

  8. Congrats, it is the beginning of new things!

  9. This is so exciting! I can't wait to hear more about your adventures and your big city life!

    Have a wonderful Friday!

    xx Ivana
    Macarons and Pearls

  10. It's always exciting to begin a new chapter...good luck!

  11. Yay! So excited for your new adventure!


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