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Friday, March 2, 2012

Make It

Hello Friday! 
Hello new month, with new and exciting things!
Two Words sum up this recipe... ok maybe three. 
Make this ASAP (that is more then 3 words ASAP is like 4 words in one)!
When the entire dinner table is silent because we are practically scrapping our bowls clean I think we have a winner of a dish!

So run to your nearest store, get all these fabulous ingredients and make this colorful and delicious soup for dinner!  Yes I (and the rest of the family) enjoyed it that much!

Thank You Sissy for sending me this recipe, my sister knows me all to well!
Happy Friday everyone, enjoy a wonderful weekend.  See you Monday with a new line up!


  1. You know, I have yet to make Quinoa. I am not sure if hubs would like this, but I'd definitely give it a try!! Have a great weekend!

  2. Yep, must make this! You know quinoa is my addiction!

  3. I keep forgetting to pick up more quinoa! I went through a week where that's what I cooked almost every night, so now I'm out! I'm craving red quinoa though, so I think I'll make that next week with my all-time fav tofu sticks ;)

  4. Yum, you always have the most tempting healthy recipes! Can´t wait to see more!
    And thank you so much for your lovely and thoughtful comment earlier today, I really appreciate your words and your support!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    xx Ivana
    Macarons and Pearls

  5. Yay for the weekend! And I'm going to bookmark this recipe, because it looks like something even my daughter would love. xo

  6. hmmm I may have to try this one! looks so good! I put some Pinterest recipes up today that I tried and I hope to do more slow cooker ones soon!

  7. Yum yum!! I'm so excited that the summer veggies are almost in season so I can make my favorite quinoa recipe. Don't worry - I'll share it. ;) Happy Friday lady!!

  8. i seriously want to hire you as a personal chef! this sounds absolutely amazing...the fact that im starving may help :)

  9. Wow this looks awesome! I will definitely give it a try!

  10. looks so good and healthy. would never have thought of combining sweet potatoes and chickpeas. yum!

  11. Ahh this looks sooo awesome!!!! Thank you for sharing. I've been looking for a new quinoa recipe.

  12. YUM!!! This looks so delish. Thanks for sharing. New follower. Hope you stop by my blog sometime and say hello.

  13. this does look delicious!!! Happy Weekend!

  14. I really want to try quinoa!!! Thanks for sharing this recipe!


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