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Monday, March 5, 2012

A Whirlwind-And Guest Blogging!

Good Morning All!
Did everyone have a good weekend?  Feel rested? Wish it was longer?
I feel like we are all in the same boat!  Before I start rambling about the weekend and recipes I am going to tell you to head over to Life Through Preppy Glasses and check out my guest post on color!  There are some cheery colors that should make Monday morning a bit brighter!

Alright queue weekend recap!

The weekend consisted of shopping, baking, basketball (Butler and Creighton) and well that pretty much sums it up.  While Butler will not be Horizon League champs this year (and no NCAA tournament sad day) my little sisters school the Creighton BlueJays were Missouri Valley Conference champs and are NCAA bound!  
Cannot wait to see how far Creighton goes in the tournament!  I am thinking this year for March Madness I should make a bracket.  I have never made a tournament bracket, even though every year I talk about making one!   I don't even know how I would pick my teams!  Maybe I should base it on mascot or school colors?  What do you think?

Anyways in big news my little sister comes home tonight! 
 I am super excited to see her it is always fun when she comes home to visit.  My parents are headed back up to Minneapolis this morning to fetch her from the airport, and I wish I could have gone with them!  Now I know it is Monday and Monday means a new recipe line up, but I don't have that for you at the moment!  I was a bit lazy this weekend and I figured I should maybe get my sisters input after all how often do you get to come home and have home cooked meals (not often)!  So just sit tight, I will have the recipes for you ASAP!

And just because I feel bad for not having a new recipe line up for you I will leave you with these...

Just a few delicious pins I have been dying to make off the pin board!
Happy Monday All!


  1. I was sad about Butler too :-( I hope you and your sister have fun spending time together this week!

  2. Sounds like a pretty amazing weekend to me :) Why does it always have to be so short, though?
    Anyhoo, hope your sis arrived safe and sound and can´t wait to hear more about your adventures :)

    Happy Monday

    xx Ivana
    Macarons and Pearls

  3. I have been making some of my pinterest recipes lately! I love it!

  4. You definitely need to do a march madness bracket! The first year I did mine I had no idea about standings or anything about the schools. I literally went off of 'feeling' and colors hahaha. And I totally beat everyone in a work bracket and beat all of my guy friends on fb....I was impressed :) My sister came home for spring break on Sat. I hope you guys have a fun week!!

  5. the recipes look delicious as always! have fun with your sister!

  6. Always making me hungry! My sister comes home on Saturday, so I'm excited!

  7. I always plan on making a bracket but never actually do- needs to change this year!

  8. Aw you and your sis are too cute!

    Stopping by via your guest post :)

  9. Yum those scones look delicious!
    I get to go home this weekend and see my sister! I am so excited, nothing is better than some sister time! ha I hope you two have fun! :)


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