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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Looking Forward To...

Hello Thursday, and Hello March!
How is it already March?

Is everyone having a good week?  Enjoy your extra day in February?

I just have a feeling that March is going to be a good month!  It is already starting off great!

This week has had some unexpected turns in it.  While the unexpected is not bad I am looking forward to an evening of good food, laughter and some good wine at my favorite restaurant!
The RedWood Room!

I will leave you with these words on this fine Thursday morning.  These are the words that have been getting me through the week!

Is there anything you are looking forward to this evening?
Happy Thursday!


  1. I have a feeling that MArch is going to be good as well!

  2. I hope you have a great time tonight, that is a great quote to have around! :)

  3. I am looking forward to seeing someone I know on a certain weight loss show who is home for a visit! Can't mention specifics! :)

    1. That is so exciting! Enjoy your time with that person! Such a wonderful thing to look forward to!

  4. Here's hoping it's a good month

  5. i'm looking forward to sleep.. i'm so jet-lagged. this is such a pretty quote.

  6. great quote to start the month with :) Wine, laughs, and food always are the cure for everything!

  7. That last quote has always been extremely reassuring to me. It's in moments of change, excitement, and fear, that I'm reminded that everything will be a-okay!

  8. what a coincidence that we have the same march image on both out blogs the same day... have a nice one!

  9. I had a lovely dinner with some friends and lots of laughs. So needed!


Leave a sweet little note! Your comments are greatly appreciated and brighten my day!