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Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I loved Shel Silverstein growing up.  
The Giving Tree was one of my favorite books!
I can still remember curling up for a bed time storing and listening to either my mom or my dad read me the Giving Tree as I drifted off to sleep. 

A  few weeks back I ran across this poem by Shel Silverstein...
I just had to share it with you all today!
Happy Wednesday!


  1. My mom & dad read me that book too, I loved it & still do!!

  2. I always loved Shel Silverstein growing up too! I especially loved the poems. I thin kmy favorite was Hookie, from Where The Sidewalk Ends

  3. I read that book growing up and still have it today! Such a great story and thanks for sharing the poem :)

  4. I always adored Shel Silverstein growing up as well! I use to have poems hanging up in my bedroom. xo

  5. I read that when I was little too!

  6. I absolutely loved Shel Silverstein! All of his books were my favorites and will definitely be read to my little girl! Especially The Giving Tree! :)

  7. that book was always on our bookshelf. Silverstein has some of the best short poems

  8. He's one of my favorite writers! I actually gave my niece The Giving Tree for Christmas!

  9. The Giving Tree! I ♥ the Giving Tree so much!

  10. great quote! i loved shel silverstein as a kid too!

  11. very inspiring to start the day!

  12. Oh I used to love that book when I was little, I haven't read it in ages! Love the quote though!!!

  13. I love Shel Silverstein and his poetry collections are definitely my favorite! My 2nd grade teacher read us "Where the Sidewalk Ends" and "A Light in the Attic" and I still have fond memories of those special days--I will be reading them to my future classes as well!


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