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Friday, May 23, 2014

{Spicy Peanut Noodles with Veggies and Chicken }

Hello, Lovelies!

Friday is here, what a wonderful thing, and to top it off it is a long holiday weekend!  Does anyone have big Memorial Day weekend plans?  We are planning on laying low this weekend.   Maybe a little hiking or biking (gotta get out and enjoy the beautiful Minnesota weather) and of course Memorial Day weekend just wouldn't be the same without a little grilling out with some fabulous people (one of my favorites)!

Speaking about favorites, thats a nice segue into todays featured recipe!  Spicy Peanut Noodles with Veggies and Chicken!   Not only do these noodles feature one of my all time favorite things, peanut butter, but they are delicious!  The peanut butter sauce is slightly spicy that can be dialed down if your not a huge spicy fan.  Derek said after dinner that he was a little skeptical about using peanut butter in a pasta sauce, but he gave this recipe two thumbs up and even took leftovers for lunch!  That my friends is  win in itself, Derek never takes leftovers for lunch!  Im calling this recipe an over all win!!  Sub in rotisserie chicken instead of the shredded boiled chicken if you like, and sub in whatever veggies you have on hand!  Make these noodles tonight for dinner and eat the leftovers all weekend, well in-between grilling!

Spicy Peanut Noodles with Veggies and Chicken 
Brunch N'CUpcakes
Serves 6-8

1 Box Whole Wheat Spaghetti Noodles 
2 Chicken Breast (Boiled and Shredded) 
1 Onion Roughly Chopped 
1 Green Pepper Roughly Chopped 
3 Garlic Cloves 
1 Cup Broccoli 

Peanut Sauce 
1/2 Cup Peanut Butter 
3 Teaspoons Low Sodium Soy Sauce 
2 Tablespoons Chili Paste 
1 Teaspoon Sesame Oil 
Pepper to Taste 

1- Combine peanut butter, sesame oil, chili paste, 2 tablespoons water and soy sauce in small bowl.  Microwave for 45 seconds and stir to combine, set aside. 
2- In a large skillet sprayed with cooking spray saute onions until translucent.  Add in garlic and saute until fragrant.  Add in pepper and broccoli and saute until tender, but be careful not to over cook.  Start cooking noodles according to package directions, once noodles are cooked drain noodles reserving 1/2 cup cooking liquid.  
3- Add cooked noodles and shredded chicken into the skillet with the vegetables.  Add 1/2 Cup cooking liquid to peanut sauce and once again microwave peanut sauce for 45 seconds and pour over noodles.  Toss pasta, veggies and chicken until sauce is evenly distributed, serve immediately. 

Check out these other delicious recipes from around the web: 


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