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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

{Hiking - Taylors Falls Photos}

I mentioned in yesterday’s post (PS check it out if you missed the recipe for, Grilled Salmon with Orange Mango Salsa) that Derek and I spent about 2 hours hiking in beautiful Taylors Falls!  I wanted to share some of our awesome pictures we took!  

Taylors Falls is located about 45 minutes from Stillwater!  It is a quick drive with beautiful scenery, and the views you can check out while hiking are unbelievable!

What I love about hiking in Taylors Falls is you can hike on the Minnesota side, or venture across the river to the Wisconsin side for even more amazing hiking!  We ended up hiking the Wisconsin side and ended up connecting multiple trails, which is why we hiked for about 2 hours!

I always forget how much I love hiking, not only are you getting exercise, but your able to take in some amazing views and stop and really enjoy life and your surroundings!  Enjoy the pictures!

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