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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

{Our Next Chapter}

Well, it is official...Derek and I are engaged!  He popped the question this past Saturday, April 29th.  He proposed on our two year anniversary, at the restaurant we had our first date, and at the site of our very first kiss!  

We are filled with excitement as we begin thinking about this new chapter in our lives, and have been overwhelmed with well wishes, and support from our family and friends!  We truly feel blessed to have such amazing family and friends, and are grateful for everyone who has helped us celebrate this milestone! So, would you like to here the tale of our engagement?  Derek asked in the most perfect way!  He truly surprised me, and knows me all to well!  Here it is, warning it's long!  

Derek and I had planned to travel down to Rochester (my hometown) this past Saturday (April 29th) for dinner at The Redwood Room, truly the place where our relationship started and the site of our first date!  The Redwood Room is one of those cozy bistro style restaurants with a wonderful wine list, warm inviting atmosphere and generally features live music.  I could sit there for hours with loved ones chatting the evening away!  Ok, I am getting off track!  Anyways, Once Derek and I arrived at my parents, I was immediately whisked away for a mani/pedi outing with my mom and sis!  It was oh so relaxing and nice to spend time with both of them!  I knew that once mani/pedis were done I would have about 2.5 hours to get ready for dinner as Derek and I had planned on heading to dinner around 8-8:30!  Late dinner, I know!  I even tried to get him to move dinner up earlier (because I was hungry) but we stuck with the original plans of dinner at 8! 

Alright, now here is where the story gets good!  Right before I headed upstairs to start primping for dinner, I asked Derek if I could use his phone.  I am really not sure why I asked this or what I was going to do but I asked!  And right as he was about to hand me his phone he got a text from his brother reading. "Its just going to be me."  I thought this text was a little odd, and my mine instantly started running through possible scenarios!  The scenario that stuck in my head was that Derek was going to propose outside of The Redwood Room before dinner, and that we would walk into the restaurant and all our family would be waiting there to celebrate the good news!  I was anxious and excited as I got ready!   Well, my scenario that I had fabricated in my head was wrong, but I was not going to let that ruin our evening, I was still hopeful!  Now here is where our engagement story gets a bit dramatic!   Let me preface the drama by saying that dinner was amazing and our conversation was great, and as I stared across the table at Derek, I couldn't help but feel like the luckiest girl!  But, I couldn't get my little engagement scenario out of my head so I confessed to Derek mid dinner that I thought he was going to propose that evening, to which he said oh, Im sorry and some other really sweet things, all while telling me I wouldn't have to wait long!  I guess I looked like a deflated balloon, but I was determined to make the rest of the evening wonderful so I put on my best happy face!  We finished our meal, payed our bill and Derek asked what was next.  I told him it didn't matter as long as I was with him, and suggested going for a drink somewhere.  He thought it would be best to just head back to my parents, so I agreed!  

We headed up the stairs to the exit, and upon reaching the last few stairs, Derek reached for my hand and turned me around to face him.  He gave me a kiss and said, remember this is where you gave me our first kiss.  He told me he loved me and then kissed me again!  And before I knew it the love of my life was down on one knee asking if I would marry him!  I was shocked and speechless!  I actually stepped backwards because I was so shocked!  I of course said yes in-between tears!  It was perfect!  

The rest of our weekend was spent celebrating with our families.  My parents and Derek planned a lovely brunch (my favorite) at Four Daughters Winery with both of our families, and it was the perfect ending to our memorable weekend.  I remember just sitting and watching our families mingling and talking with each other!  Everyone smiling, everyone excited for our future and everyone there supporting us as we take this next step in our lives together.  It was an amazing weekend and just the start of many more years to come for Derek and I! 


Leave a sweet little note! Your comments are greatly appreciated and brighten my day!