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Thursday, April 3, 2014

{BBQ Chicken Tacos}

Hi Friends!  I have missed blogging and sharing recipes with you this week!   But it has been a whirlwind of a week, and is almost a blur in my mind!  Lots going on, lots of excitement, and lots of preliminary planning!  Derek and I are over the moon excited for this next chapter in our lives and so thankful for the support and love we have been experiencing from family and friends.  Read our engagement story here.  

But today, I want to share these delicious BBQ Chicken Tacos with you!  They are super easy to make and absolutely delicious!  I whipped these up the other night while Derek and I discussed wedding plans!  He even texted me the next day saying, "Not sure what exactly we had for dinner last night, but they were really good, and I liked it!"  Man I love him!   So here you go, BBQ Chicken Tacos! 

BBQ Chicken Tacos 
Brunch N'Cupcakes 
Serves 4 - 6 (Depending on how 

2-3 Chicken Breast Shredded (I used about a pound, and boiled the chicken)
3/4 Cup BBQ Sauce (Look for one with no High Fructose Corn Syrup)
2 Teaspoons Siracha
1 Bag Broccoli Slaw
Juice from one Lime
1/2 Cup Chopped Fresh Cilantro
2 Teaspoons Cumin
1 Teaspoon Chile Powder
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
Avocado, Greek Yogurt/Sour Cream for Serving
4-6 Whole Wheat Tortillas

1- Combine shredded chicken with BBQ Sauce and Siracha.  Stir till well combined and set aside.
2- In a medium bowl combine broccoli slaw through olive oil.  Make sure all ingredients are well combined.
3- To serve - Divide broccoli slaw among 4-6 whole wheat tortillas and top with BBQ chicken, Avocado Slices and taco toppings of choice!  I used siracha and avocado for ours - Derek LOVED them!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Hillary! We are featuring this recipe on our FB page today. Check it out. -Amy


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