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Friday, September 13, 2013

Birthday Week Kick Off!

Happy Friday Loves!

Today marks the first of many birthday celebrations!  Yes, the week long birthday celebration begins tonight with a family dinner at Mill Valley Kitchen!  One of my favorites!

I get to see all these crazy people! 

Hard to believe that I am almost another year older!  I am excited to see what the new year has in store for me!  I have already begun looking back on this past year at everything I have accomplished, the lessons I have learned and at the people and things I am most thankful for in my life!

Here is to a fabulous kick off to my birthday week!  And if because who doesn't love a good cake recipe… Thiswould be the birthday cake I would make for myself, if I enjoyed baking!

Reminds me of my favorite cake from Café Latte in St Paul!

Enjoy your weekend everyone! 

1 comment:

  1. happy birthday week, girl! enjoy it. and find someone to bake that cake for you! ;)

    xo, jenna


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