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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Medtronic TC 10K - New Years Resolution

Yesterday I signed Derek and I up for the Medtronic TC 10K race here in St Paul!  This is going to be my first ever 10K race and it as one of my New Years Resolutions - To run a 10k in 2012!  And ever since running the color run...

I have been dying to run another race, not sure why it has taken me this long to sign up!  

While I am a bit nervous for the race I am still extremely excited!  We still have a
 a few weeks to prepare for the race, since the race will be taking place on October 6th! 

The race will be taking place in our lovely capital of St Paul. 
"The TC 10K follows the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon course in reverse, beginning near the official finish line of the marathon at John Ireland Blvd. It begins with a climb past the majestic St. Paul Cathedral 
and follows tree-lined Summit Avenue as you run past historic mansions. 
This out-and-back course features a downhill finish with a spectacular view of the State Capitol" (Source)

Sounds like a great run to me, and a wonderful way to see St Paul!  
Now I just hope it isn't to cold!  

Are any of you running a race any time soon?
What is one of your New Years Resolutions you are sticking with?


  1. That's a big goal that you'll be able to knock out of the park! :)

    Good luck and have fun running, love!!

  2. sounds like a pretty course! i just ran a 10K around Butler's campus this past weekend! i'm planning on running the Monumental Half Marathon on Nov 3...still have to sign up though!

  3. good luck to you! What a great goal!


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