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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

26 Years

Birthdays have now become a time where I look back on the past year and reflect on what I have learned, I think that has to do with the fact that yes I am indeed getting older (26 seems so old)! 

I feel like 25 was a big year for me.  I moved home to Minnesota, spent countless hours job searching, finally found my "dream" job/company, moved to a big city, and started out on a new chapter of my life.  It has been a pretty exciting 25th year full of ups and downs, but I wouldn't have changed any of it.  

So today I thought I would share a few things I learned in my 25th year!  

You are never to old to move home.  This was probably one of the smartest things I ever decided to do!  
Listen to your family and value their advice.  Believe me your family knows you better then you think they do! 

Cherish the time with friends. 

Take time for yourself, sometimes you just need some quality you time.
Never stop believing in yourself because

and finally try something new and don't be scared to look stupid doing it.  I feel like this quote sums it up...

it is so true! Who knows you might just discover something that your good at or enjoy! 

With all that being said it is time to celebrate my 26th birthday in style!  
I am going to make my 26th year one of the best I have seen, I think it is going to be a year of endless possibilities! 

Happy Hump Day Everyone! 


Leave a sweet little note! Your comments are greatly appreciated and brighten my day!