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Thursday, January 5, 2012

It's OK Thrursday

Oh I am loving that today is Thursday.  These 4 day weeks are simply just amazing!  Today I thought I would do something a bit different.  I have been seeing a blog link up called It's Ok Thursday on some of my favorite blogs now for awhile!  I figured I would give it ago today and link up with Amber of Brunch with Amber and Neely of A Complete Waste Of Makeup for my first It's Ok Thursday!

So here it goes!
It's Ok that...
...I have been ready for the weekend since Tuesday, and that I am dreading next week since it is a 5 day work week!  I don't think I am alone on this one!

 ...I am a bit sad the Holidays are over.  The house looks so empty once all the Christmas decorations are taken down!

...I look forward to an empty peanut butter jar, because oats in a pb jar can simply brighten a morning at 5 AM

 ...I wish I could stay home and bake these yummy treats instead of sitting at a desk.

....I treated myself to these boots!  Hey I had coupons!

and last
...tomorrow is Friday and I have absolutely no plans for the weekend!  Hello relaxation!!!
Now if only I could be relaxing here!
Head on over and check out the link up for It's Ok Thursday!
Happy Thursday Everyone!


  1. Happy Thursday to you too! I'd love to be on the beach as well, sigh, but those boots would be the next best thing. LOVE them!

  2. Hi Hillary! Just found your blog via the link's my first link up with them too! I'm totally with you on not having plans for the's so nice after the busy holidays to just be lazy! I saw that you went to Butler and danced? I'm from Indy and used to dance too! Nice to meet ya!

  3. Love those boots! Plus those treats look amazing!

  4. Cute boots! I am dreading next week as well!

  5. Gosh, a beach sounds so good doesn't it? I am already scheming for my next trip!

  6. I wish I was going to be lounging on the beach, but instead, I'll be running a 10k in this cold weather. Happy Thursday!

  7. i have all of my decorations down but the tree! it's just so sad. plus, many countries/religions say to keep it up til epiphany ends, so i've got 2 more days!

  8. I want to sit on that beach with a jar of that white chocolate wonderful!

  9. Love this idea...I usually need a little nudge to finish out the week strong by Thursday!!! LOVE the boots, great pressie for yourself!!!

  10. yay! no plan weekends are the best and end up being totally awesome at least in my opinion :-) so relax away this weekend my friend and if you do go to that beautiful island, you better pack me in your suitcase!

  11. White Chocolate Wonderful should be renamed "Death by Chocolate." Seriously, that stuff is lethal! I can't stop eating it :)

  12. I want to be relaxing there with you!! Ohhh to be on vacation in a tropical land... amazing!

  13. Happy Thursday! Yay that tomorrow is Friday!

  14. Four day weeks really do make the week SO much better. And I'm also sad that they Holiday's are over!! Well, we are a few days closer to the next Christmas :)

  15. white chocolate pb. i didn't think pb could improve on the original but now i think it might be possible. ugh, and that last pic. torture to look at when all i see is brown and mud outside! :)

  16. It's def ok that you are living for the weekend! This week has been tough, but I do get to look forward to only 3 days of work next week! I am loving your healthy recipes and since I'm on this new health kick, I can't wait to hear more! I'm your newest follower! Love your blog! Happy almost Friday!

  17. hope you had a lovely thursday... my decorations are gone and my house looks a bit empty!

  18. I made the energy balls a while back! Check it out. xo

  19. OH how i LOVE butter!! :) Looks so good!

  20. yeah, not having the Christmas decorations make me sad too ... i didn't realize just how empty the house would look without it ... just a few more months and we get to put them back :) ok, more than a few months ... but saying that makes me happy, haha.


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