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Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday 5-Recipe Edition

Yesterday I was looking at the million recipes I have pinned on my pinterest board.  And I came to this realization, there are 1,000+  recipes pinned their and I have maybe tried 10 (and that could be an exaggeration)!  My pinterset board is becoming my new black hole of recipes, and I am not sure I am ok with this!

So for my Friday 5 I though I would share 5 recipes I would like to attempt to make in the next week!  

1- I don't know if any of you have tried Trader Joe's Cookie Butter yet, but if you haven't then you need to!  You need to run to your nearest Trader Joe's and pick this stuff up.  Cookie Butter is like a sweet peanut butter like spread that literally taste like a gingerbread cookie!  No Joke!  And then when you are completely addicted to the stuff like I am you can make your own using this recipe!!

2- I recently made Pea's and Thank You's Banana Bread (seriously love this cookbook, I highly recommend it), and it was nothing short of amazing.  I mean you get to put almond butter (or peanut butter in my case, no almond butter in the pantry) into the bread!!  Ever since I made this glorious loaf of banana bread Tuesday I have had the desire to bake!  Then I came across this recipe from Eat Live Run 

Almond Apple Sauce Bread!  Looks Delicious!

3- I am dying to make this delicious salad!  Broccoli and Cauliflower two of my favorite recipes.  I am not sure why I have not made this Detox Salad from Oh She Glows sooner!

I had originally bookmarked the recipe when Angela first blogged about it (Pinterest wasn't around).  This would be a great salad to take to work for lunch, I am a all about brown bagging my lunch, or in my case packing my Vera!

4- I need the perfect morning to whip these puppies up!

Whats not to love about a lazy Saturday with Banana Pancakes!  I have been drooling over this recipe from How Sweet It Is for far to long now!  Maybe this stack of pancakes will fill the craving I have been having for Golden Nugget Banana Pancakes!
And number 5 (although this list could go on and on and on)!
Spanikopita Casserole From Clean Eating Magazine

Because I could seriously eat the whole box of Trader Joe's Spanikopita, yes it is that good!
Maybe a New Years goal of mine should have been to cook my way through my pinterest board one recipe at the time. It could be like Julie and Julia!  Although I am not sure there would ever be an end to that little goal since I pin new recipes almost daily!
Is there a recipe you have pinned that you are dying to make?  Share it with me!
Happy Friday Everyone!


  1. Haha I know what you mean! I've been pinning recipes like crazy too but I have to say, I've been doing pretty well on cooking them! I still have a long ways to go to go through all of them though....

  2. Those look so delicious! I've never had cookie butter and I am going to make it because we don't have a trader joe's in Louisiana!!!! I'm craving it already! :)

    Hope you have a great weekend pretty lady! XOXO

  3. I could go for some really good pancakes right about now :)

  4. Banana pancakes are the best! Yumm-o!

  5. I pin all the time too- but I don't have anywhere near 1,000! Although, my recipe box from years past is a whole different story. Maybe you could go through it every year and delete the ones you still haven't made to make room for new ones? That's what I do with my huge recipe box!

  6. Thanks for sharing these recipes! AS soon as I get in to my new house I can't wait to start experimenting with healthy new recipes again! I always love Angela's recipes...she should have a cookbook!

  7. I'm just going to start making your recipes every week instead of looking for my own :) These look AMAZING. And that Trader Joe's cookie butter?!? RUNNING to the store now ;)

    Happy weekend!

  8. All these recipes look so delish! And banana pancakes are just the best. I love love them topped with some maple syrup. Yum!

  9. I am the same way! I have so many recipe's either pinned or printed at home and I have hardly used any of them. I think the challenge is having the ingredients on hand...

  10. I was JUST thinking about this! I have so many recipes pinned! I did incorporate some Pinterest ones into my new meal plan!

  11. These all look great! I may need to try the bread and the pancakes! Even the salad looks good! I'm always bringing my lunch to work. And always looking for new healthy recipes! I need to make sure I'm following you on pinterest haha!

  12. hahaha, instead of pininterest, I add the links to my gmail. And I may have tried like 30 baking and like 5 cooking. it's so hard to keep up. I know what you mean. :-) btw.. i love your new pic, you look so pretty, kind, and friendly!

  13. These all look amazing!! I would love that bread -- it looks so rich. I think it would pair well with this recipe... Just tried it and it is FANTASTIC! xo style, she wrote

  14. What a great idea! I am so guilty of pinning recipes and never doing anything with them!

  15. They all look so delicious! I too have a million recipes on pintrest and this is such a great idea!

  16. Those look great. I love love love Spanikopita! Have a great weekend :)

  17. oh yum! i just love Spanikopita! i might have to try making it too!

  18. Wow, these meals look so delicious! Yum!

    xx Ivana

    Stop by sometimes :)
    Macarons and Pearls


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