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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Home I Go, and A Big Thank You!

Good afternoon Everyone!  Todays blog post is coming to you once again from the Chicago Union Station.  I am sitting waiting for my train back to Minnesota.  Hard to believe that I have been gone for a week!  But I had a blast!
Mark and I got into Chicago about 5 yesterday afternoon. We immediately headed to dinner to meet up with my friend/sorority sister Sam for dinner!

I was so happy that we got to meet for dinner, it has been ages since I have seen same.  Having dinner was the perfect way to catch up.  But our fun did not end with dinner.  We actually stayed with Sam, her boyfriend ryan, and super cute bulldogs Addison and Wrigley!  We had a enjoyable evening sitting around laughing and reminiscing about long ago college days!  I was laughing so hard at some points that I could have peed my pants!

I want to thank you all for the well wishes on the interview.  I was in a bit of shock this morning when my interview finished quicker then it was supposed to.  I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing... I guess in a week we will know if I get a second interview!  Needless to say I was in a less then stellar mood when Mark picked me up from my interview.  I just kept thinking over the answers I gave to questions.  As Mark tried to cheer me up we contemplated how to use our next few hours, and opted to go for a lunch well I guess brunch!  We whipped out the Iphone and did a quick UrbanSpoon search and settled on a place called Pancakes Eggcetra.  I was a bit skeptical at first.  Mark and I were literally across the street from the restaurant as we Urban Spooned it!  Pancakes Eggcetra got some great reviews on urban spoon!
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But the rating still left me a little skeptical!  I didn't want a breakfast that would sit in my stomach like a rock while I took the train home!  When Mark and I walked in I was pleasantly surprised at how spacious the interior was.  And upon looking at the menu was even more happy to find healthy options including oatmeal!   Which is exactly the kind of comfort food I needed after a some what shaky interview!  Despite the fact that the menu ad oatmeal I still looked the entire menu over.  But alas I decided on a cup of oatmeal with sliced bananas and peanut butter!  You can see Mark's pigs in the background!
I also enjoyed several cups of coffee (I refused to drink any before my interview).  I have to say that despite the shaky feeling I had about the interview I am some what glad the interview was shorter.  And the reason behind that is the shorter interview gave Mark and I a few extra hours to enjoy each others company!  Well I am off, I have a large stack of magazines to read, and lots of blogs to catch up on!  I cannot wait to read all your posts that I may have missed in my hectic week of travel!  I will see you all later the next post will be coming to you from Minnesota!  Enjoy the rest of your day and as always remember to live Happily Ever Healthy!


  1. Congratulations on the interview!

    I love when breakfast places have healthy options like oatmeal, but I hate overpaying when I know I could make a bowl for myself for much cheaper. Health always comes at a price, I guess!

    I've never been to a place that offers a side of peanut butter, though. That would surely sway me!

  2. Thanks!

    I know what you mean about the over paying for something as simple as oatmeal! Peanut Butter hands down says most of my breakfast decisions! I once went to a place that offered oatmeal with peanut butter chips!


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