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Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Hey...It's been a while!

Hi All!
It has been a while since I have hit publish on a blog post, but I am dusting off the cob webs and giving this blogging thing another shot!  I will say I have missed sharing recipes and little glimpses of my life on here!

Life these days looks a little different then it did almost two years ago!  Derek and I are no longer newlyweds,  and we are now the proud parents of an energetic 10 month old, Theodore!  See, I told you things were a little, OK maybe a lot different these days! Theodore has truly been one of our greatest blessings.  He brings so much fun and excitement into our day to day lives.  Don't get me wrong, having a 10 month old brings about new challenges but I am totally embracing this season of life we are in.

 (Photo Credit - Midwest Lifeshots)

So join me as I share family friendly recipes, our experience as first time parents and so much more!  I can't wait to share this new season of life with you all!

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