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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

{Asian Quinoa Salad}

Two weeks ago Derek and I road tripped down to Indianapolis to attend a basketball game at my Alma Mater, Butler University (Go Dawgs)!   It was the first time I had been back to Butler for a game, and Derek’s first time cheering on the Bulldogs at Hinkle Fieldhouse!  To say I was excited for the weekend would have been a huge understatement… I was ecstatic. 

We (my sorority sisters and I) had a full weekend of fun activates planned!  Catching up while making dinner, the Butler Basketball Game (we won BTW),  checking out a few new bars on our old college stopping grounds and a fancy dinner to wrap up the weekend at Harry and Izzy’s!  It was a fun jam packed weekend!

But let’s back track and talk about Harry and Izzy’s for a hot minute, because I absolutely love that restaurant (and not even because of their steak).  I love the atmosphere, the service, and their famous shrimp cocktail.  Harry and Izzy's was the perfect way to end a perfect weekend with friends.   As part of my meal I had the most delicicous Asian Quinoa salad that I paired perfectly with my grilled salmon!  Harry and Izzy's Asian Quinoa salad was filled with edamame, red pepper, and kale and had a light dressing that was slightly sweet but absolutely magical!   After my first bite of the salad I was in quinoa heaven and knew I needed to recreate the salad at home... so I did! I guess you can say I brought a little bit of Indianapolis home with me in this recipe, I hope you enjoy! 

Asian Quinoa Salad 
Brunch N'Cupcakes - Inspired by Harry and Izzy's 
Serves 4-6 


1 Cup Quinoa Cooked According to Package Directions 
1 Cup Shelled Edamame - Thawed if Frozen 
1 Red Pepper Chopped 
2 Green Onions Chopped 
2 Cups Chopped Kale 

1 Tablespoon Low Sodium Soy Sauce 
1 Tablespoon Honey 
1 Tablespoon Sesame Oil 
4 Tablespoons Rice Wine Vinegar 
1 Teaspoon Ginger - Freshly Grated 
1 Garlic clove minced 
Sesame Seeds for Garnish 

1- In a large bowl combine cooked quinoa, edamame, pepper, onion and kale.  Toss until well combined and set aside. 
2- In a smaller bowl whisk together dressing ingredients until well combined.  
3- Carefully pour salad dressing over quinoa and vegetables and toss until salad is evenly coated in dressing.  Serve immediatly. 

Note - will keep in fridge for up to a week, kale will soften as salad sits.  


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