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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

{Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Bites}

I am constantly on the lookout for new/healthy pre-workout snack ideas!  Since becoming a person who spends the wee hours of the morning at the gym I have found that eating breakfast prior to my sweat session is not an option,  and neither is going to the gym with my fuel tank on "E"!  
I like my pre-workout snacks simple, nutritious and portable which is why I have been loving homemade energy bites and homemade granola bars! 

These Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Bites are my new go to grab and go pre-sweat sesh treat!   Honey and an over ripe banana provide sweetness, oats provide healthy nutritious carbs and the peanut butter and almond flour give me a healthy dose of fats.  Plus the rich cocoa flavor is a nice little treat in the AM!

Whip up a batch Sunday night and you have a portable go to snack for the week!  Enjoy! 

Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Bites 
Brunch N'Cupcakes
Makes 24 Bites 

2 Cups Quick Cooking Oats 
1 Cup Almond Flour (Almond Meal) 
1/3 Cup Unsweetened Cocoa Powder 
1 Tablespoon Chia Seeds 
1 Over Ripe Banana - Mashed
1/2 Cup Peanut Butter (Natural or Organic) 
1/4 Cup Honey

1- In a large bowl combine Oats, Almond Flour, Chia Seeds and Unsweetened Cocoa Powder.  Mix well so that everything is combined. 
2- In a smaller microwave safe bowl combine honey and peanut butter.  Melt peanut butter and honey together (about 30 seconds) and stir until peanut butter and honey are mixed together well and smooth. Add mashed banana to the peanut butter/honey mixture and stir until well incorporated. 
3- Carefully pour peanut butter/honey/banana mixture into dry ingredients and stir until wet and dry ingredients are incorporated.  
4- With wet hands carefully roll dough into 24 bites.  Place in an air tight container and store in fridge. 


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