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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

{Vegetable Turkey Meatballs in Marinara Sauce}

I feel like life has been moving at warp speed lately.  I have no idea where summer has gone and have no idea how it already got to be August!  And lately life seems to be a blur, I find myself almost living life on autopilot especially when it comes to my weekday evenings.  Since gaining a longer commute  I am constantly trying to find ways to make week night evenings run smoother.  I have tried meal prepping on weekends, picking out my week of clothes on Sunday night all in an effort to gain more free time during on week nights!  

Thats where these little beauties come in! 

These little veggie studded turkey meatballs are the bomb!  Not only because I stuffed them full of veggies, but because they are super easy to make.  You can prep these meatballs ahead of time and then simply heat them up when you are ready to eat them!  How perfect is that, great for a week night when you don't feel like spending hours in the kitchen!  I love serving these delicious and classic meatballs over brown rice, cauliflower rice, or even just a simple steamed veggie!  They pack well for lunches and are a huge crowd please!  Whip them up Sunday night and reheat and enjoy for dinners and lunches all week! 

Vegetable Turkey Meatballs in Marinara Sauce
Brunch N'Cupcakes 
Serves 4-6 

1 Lb Lean Ground Turkey 
1/2 Cup Quick Cooking Oats 
1/3 Cup Mushroom Pieces 
1/4 Cup Grated Carrot 
1/4 of a large Onion Chopped 
1/4 Cup Red Pepper Chopped 
1 Teaspoon Italian Seasoning 
1 Teaspoon Garlic Powder 
1/4 Teaspoon Salt 
1/2 Teaspoon Pepper 
1 Jar of your Favorite Marinara Sauce 
1 Egg - beaten 

1- In a large skillet coated with cooking spray saute peppers, onion, carrot and mushroom until tender.  \Remove veggies from heat and set aside. 
2- In a large bowl combine ground turkey, egg, oats and seasoning.  Mix together until everything i well incorporated.  Carefully add veggies into turkey mixture and once again mix until well combined.  
3- Form turkey mixture into 1 1/2 inch balls and place on a greased baking sheet (you should get about 18 meatballs).  Bake in a 350 degree oven for 25-30 minutes or until center of the meatballs are no longer pink. 
4- Place cooked meatballs in a large skillet and cover with marinara sauce.  Stir gently to evenly cover each meatball.  Heat for 5 minutes or until marinara sauce is hot.  

To serve spoon meatballs over brown rice or cauliflower rice.  Or enjoy the meatballs plain along side a steamed vegetable! 

If making the meatballs ahead of time once you have baked them in the oven place the cooked meatballs in a Tupperware container and place in fridge.  When ready to enjoy pull the meatballs out of the fridge and heat in a large skillet with marinara sauce (step 4)

More great meatball recipes from around the web! 

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