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Friday, August 28, 2015

{Spicy Pumpkin Quinoa Bake }

The weather in Minnesota recently has felt more life fall then late August!  And I loved every minute of it!  Cool crisp mornings and beautiful 60-70 degree evenings!

I will say that I am secretly ready for fall!  I am ready to to pull out all my fall clothes, Boots, chunky sweaters, cute light jackets... I cannot wait!  And I am even more ready and excited for the wonderful fall activities (apple picking, pumpkin patches)  and smells!

It was so funny with the weather cooling off a bit this week I found myself craving everything pumpkin!  Pumpkin bars, pumpkin bread, but most of all my pumpkin chili!  Which is why I decided to try my hand at a delicious one pan quinoa bake that featured pumpkin like my delicious chili! The end results are hands down delicious.  This is a perfect dish to enjoy on a cool evening.  Serve it up with fun chili style toppings along with crackers/tortilla chips for dipping!  Tasty, healthy and super delicious! 

Spicy Pumpkin Quinoa Bake 
Brunch N'Cupcakes
Serves 6-8

1 Cup Quinoa 
1 - 15 oz can Pumpkin 
3 Cloves Garlic 
1 - 15 oz Fire Roasted Tomatos
1/2 a Large Onion Chopped 
2 Red Peppers Chopped 
1 1/2 Cups Chicken Stock 
1 - 15 oz Can Kidney Beans - Drained 
1/2 Cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese 
2 Teaspoons Sriracha 
1 1/2 Teaspoon Chili Powder, Cumin and Cinnamon 
1 Teaspoon Salt and Pepper 

1- Spray a 9x13 casserole dish with cooking spray.  Toss veggies and kidney beans in the bottom of the casserole dish.  Top veggies and beans with quinoa and toss in casserole dish till combined. 
2 - In a large bowl mix together the pumpkin, chicken broth, tomatoes and spices.  Carefully pour the wet ingredients over the veggies and quinoa in the casserole dish.  Give everything a quick stir to make sure that the veggies and quinoa are equally coated. 
3- Bake casserole in a 350 degree oven for 50-55 minutes or until quinoa is tender and liquid is absorbed.  Top casserole with cheese and broil on high for 3 minutes or until cheese is melted and lightly browned! 

Serve with plain or with your favorite chili toppings!


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