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Thursday, February 12, 2015

{Shaved Brussel Sprout and Purple Cabbage Salad}

Simplicity – what I am aiming for these days and the word that perfectly describes this delicious salad!  This salad isn’t fussy or fancy it is just simple ingredients combined together for a delicious outcome.  What I like best about this salad is that the majority of the “ingredients” are pantry staples in my house. 

 The other thing I love is that the star ingredients are Shaved Brussel Sprouts and Purple Cabbage – two things which I absolutely love – not sure why!   This salad is great for tossing together Sunday night and eating throughout the week – the flavors get stronger as the week goes and the cabbage and brussel sprouts both begin to soften a bit.  I serve this simple salad with chickpeas or tempeh for protein and some sunflower seeds or peanuts for added crunch!

Shaved Brussel Sprout  and Purple Cabbage Salad
Brunch N’Cupcakes
Serves 6-8

3-4 Cups Purple Cabbage – Shredded (One small or ½ a medium should do)
1 Bag Shaved Brussel Sprouts (Target and Trader Joe’s both have – need about 3 cups)
2 Tablespoons White Wine Vinegar
1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
2 Tablespoons Sesame Oil
1 Tablespoon Garlic
1 Teaspoon Ground Ginger
½ Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
¼ Teaspoon Sea Salt
Sesame Seeds, Tempeh, Chickpeas, Peanuts for Garnishing/Serving

Directions –
1- In a large bowl combine purple cabbage and brussel Sprouts – mix until combined, set aside.
2- In a small bowl whisk together white wine vinegar, apple cider vinegar, sesame oil and spices.
3- Pour dressing over cabbage and brussel sprouts until evenly coated – serve.

Note – Top salad with tempeh or chickpeas for protein (Grilled chicken would also be delicious), and a tablespoon of peanuts or sesame seeds for a little crunch!

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