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Friday, January 23, 2015

Life Lately - 2015

Happy New Year my Friends!  I hope 2015 and well the month of January is off to a fabulous start for you all!  I know I am a little behind in professing that 2015 is here!  But I hope you all had a fabulous time ringing in the New Year and rounding out your Holiday Season!

I will admit that lately I have felt a little bit like the Energizer Bunny... I just keep going and going and going.  The time from Thanksgiving to New Years seems like a blur, but a wonderful blur might I add.  The Holidays were full of cheer and excitement and crammed packed with family time, laughs, memories and friends!  Just the way the Holiday's should be!  And now with the holiday's behind us and less then 100 days to THE wedding (78 to be exact) I feel as though this going going going pattern is here to stay!  

Only now instead of shopping for last minute gifts I am searching for the perfect shower dress or small trinket for the big day!  Oh what a wonderful time!  I thought I would just pop in for a little bit today and share  a little glimpse into what I have been up to these past few months!  Regular recipe posting should hopefully resume shortly... I just need to find time to actually cook!  For now enjoy the photos!

My adorable niece and nephew over Christmas!  Love family time! 

Beautiful Bridesmaids for the lovely Amanda's wedding! 

My hot date!  Cannot wait to marry him!

Enjoying a evening together in Florida! 

Never wanted to leave this view... but then we had to return to the frozen tundra! 

Happy Friday!

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