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Monday, August 4, 2014

{Zoodles with Pesto}

I have been sitting on this recipe all week, and dreaming about how delicious it is.  And, yes I am just now getting around to sharing it with you!   My mind has been consumed with other things I guess, like wedding planning, engagement photos and the list could go on and on and on.  Better late then never though, right?

So lets talk zoodles... Are some of you wonder what the heck a zoodle is?  Let me explain.  A zoodle is a "noodle" made out of zucchini, and they are hands down delicious!  My sister got this amazing little gadget this past weekend that slices veggies into thin, noodle like strands.  Check out the deets here.  Anyways when I saw she bought this little gadget I knew we needed to try it out!  We sauteed onions, garlic and mushrooms with the zoodles.  We finished off the zoodles with a garlicky pesto, sun dried tomatoes and Parmesan cheese.  Delicious!  Add in grilled meat of your choice for some added protein!

Zoodles with Pesto, Sun Dried Tomato and Parmesan
Brunch N'Cupcakes
Serves 4

5 Medium Zucchinis (Sliced with a Gefu Spiralizar)
1/2 Medium Onion 
3 Cloves Garlic Minced
1/3 Cup Chopped Mushroom 
1/4 Cup Sun Dried Tomatoes (Non - Oil Packed) 
1/3 Cup Prepared Pesto (I used Trader Joe's) 
1/3 Cup Parmesan Cheese 
Salt and Pepper to Taste 

**Protein suggestion for serving  - Grilled Chicken Breast or Shrimp. 

1 - Heat a skillet coated with cooking spray.  Add in onion and cook until tender, stir in garlic and cook until fragrant.  Add in mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes until mushrooms are tender. 
2- Add in your sliced zucchini noodles.  Cook until zucchini is tender.  About 7 minutes.  
3- While zoodles are still in skillet pour prepared pesto evenly over the zoodles.  Stir until pesto is well incorporated.  Top with parmesan cheese, sun dried tomatoes and serve! 


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