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Monday, June 16, 2014

{Grilled Salmon Tacos with Citrus Mango Salsa and Slaw}

Ah, Monday... we meet again!   I have to say that I was a bit sad to see this weekend come to a close!   The weekend seemed short for some odd reason.  But I have to say I throughly enjoyed every minute of it.  The weekend was relaxing and spent at home with family and one of my oldest and dearest childhood friends, Katie!  The weekend was filled with good food, catching up and belly aching laughter!  There is nothing I love more then a good laugh with people I love, the laughs that leave you gasping for breath and tears in your eyes!  Those are simply the best moments!  

And, when I am surrounded by the people closest to me,  I cook, because nothing goes better with friends and family then a good home cooked meal!  Ultimately this is a dinner we will enjoy while doubling over in our chairs because we are laughing so hard! Anyways, lets transition into talking about these mouth watering fish tacos, and talking about the fact that summer has to be one of my favorite seasons for cooking here in Minnesota!  Simply because in Summer you can grill anything and everything, and you can create some pretty awesome and fresh meals!  I love the bold pops of color that come with summer meals, as well as the bold and exciting flavors!  These Grilled Salmon Tacos scream summer to me!   The tacos get  pun h of summer from the Citrus Mango Salsa (also blogged about here) and the slaw adds great crunch!  Make these for your next get together!  Enjoy with friends and family, laugh, enjoy summer and make memories! 

Grilled Salmon Tacos with Citrus Mango Salsa and Slaw
Brunch N'Cupcakes 
Serves 4-6 

1 Pound Fresh Salmon - Skin still on 
Salt, Pepper, Garlic Powder 
Olive Oil 

Mango Salsa Ingredients: 
1 Mango Chopped 
1/4 Cup Onion Finley Chopped 
1/2 Cup Red Pepper Chopped 
1 Large Handful Cilantro Chopped 
Juice from One Orange 
Juice from 1/2 Lime 
Salt, Pepper and Garlic to Taste

Slaw Ingredients:
1 Package Broccoli Slaw 
1/2 Tablespoon Olive Oil 
1 Giant Handful Fresh Cilantro Chopped 
1/4 Cup Chopped Onion 
1/2 Cup Chopped Red Pepper 
Juice from 1/2 Lime 
1 Teaspoon Chili Powder 
1/2 Teaspoon Cumin 
Salt, Pepper and Garlic to Taste 

For Serving: 
4-6 Whole Wheat Tortillas 
Quinoa or Brown Rice (If you don't want to use tortillas) 
Sour Cream/Greek Yogurt - If you Like 
Avocado Diced 

1- Combine mango, cilantro, onion, and pepper in a small bowl.  Toss to combine.  Stir in olive oil, orange juice, lime juice and spices, mix and set aside. 
2- In another smaller bowl, combine broccoli slaw, onion, red pepper and cilantro.  Toss to combine.  Stir in Olive oil, lime juice, and spices, mix and set aside.  
3- Heat grill to 350 degrees.  Coat salmon (both sides, flesh and skin) with olive oil.  Sprinkle salmon with salt, pepper and garlic.  Place salmon, skin side down on grill.  Cook 10 minutes on grill or until desired degree of doneness has been met. 
4- To Serve divide slaw among 4-6 whole wheat tortillas, top with salmon and mango salsa.  If not using tortillas top quinoa or brown rice with salmon, slaw and mango salsa.  Or eat taco salad style with salmon and mango salsa on top of slaw with chips!  Top with additional toppings like sour cream/greek yogurt and avocado if you desire! 

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