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Thursday, May 15, 2014

{Dixie Caviar Stuffed Sweet Potatoes}

Happy Friday Thursday folks!  I am all confused on dates and days this week!  I have been living a day ahead all week, and in my mind we are already at memorial day (and memorial day is a week away).  This little date/day mix up has me all sorts of confused!  Thankfully tomorrow is Friday, and I have lots to look forward to this weekend!  

This Saturday is our Girls on the Run Spring 5K, which is hard to believe because I feel like it was just last week that we were starting the GOTR Spring season!  I am sad to see such an amazing season come to an end, but I am looking forward to cheering my girls on at the 5K race!   Also this weekend is my lovely friend Sam's Bachelorette party!  Shortly after the GOTR 5K I will be boarding a plane to celebrate the lovely Sam's last fling before the ring!  I am super excited to see all my lovely college besties, it has been way to long!   Now, shall we talk about this delicious looking stuffed sweet potato?  I made these Dixie Caviar Stuffed Sweet Potatoes for my sister and I last night after a very sweaty and intense kick boxing class!  We both wanted something light, and quick!    If you are wondering what Dixie Caviar is check out this recipe, my aunt makes something similar and I can literally eat the entire bowl full!  Anyways, the dixie caviar adds a nice "spicy" addition that helps round out the sweetness of the sweet potato!  The meal comes together quick so before you know it your enjoying a delicious healthy meal! 

Dixie Caviar Stuffed Sweet Potatoes
Brunch N'Cupcakes 
Serves 4 

1 15 oz can Corn 
1 - 15 Oz. Can Black Beans (Rinsed and Drained) 
1/2 Green Pepper Chopped 
2 Garlic Cloves Chopped 
1/2 Large Onion Chopped 
1 Handful Fresh Cilantro 
1 Teaspoon Cumin 
1 Teaspoon Chili Powder 
Salt and Pepper to Taste 
1 Tablespoon Balsamic Vinegar 
4 Sweet Potatoes (or 2 Large ones like the one pictured)

1- In a large skillet heat a teaspoon of olive oil.  Add in Onion and garlic and cook until onion is soft and garlic is fragrant.  Stir in green peppers  and tomatoes and cook until tender.  
2- Add beans corn, balsamic vinegar and spices to skillet, cook until heated through.  Stir in cilantro.  Reduce heat on stove to keep topping warm until potatoes are ready. 
3- Wash and pierce sweet potatoes with a fork.  Place in microwave and cook for 6 minutes, or until sweet potatoes can easily be pierced with a fork.  
4- Cut each sweet potato lengthwise, and divide dixie caviar among 4 potatoes.  


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