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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

{Back in the Saddle - Green Smoothies}

** This post is not sponsored by the Young and Raw App, it is a review and the opinions are my own.

Green smoothies are slowly finding their way back into my diet!  After making it a New Year’s resolution to drink at least 3 green smoothies a week (that’s a lot for me) I found myself kind of sick of the green liquid once the New Year (2014) hit!  The reason behind getting back on board with the green smoothie fad (that makes it sound bad) you might ask?  This new iPhone App that Derek sent me the other day!

The Young and Raw Official 30 Day Challenge app is chalk full of 140 different green smoothie recipes, just the motivation and inspiration I need to enjoy the little (yet powerful) green drink!  I am usually not a recipe/diet App person, but this App had me intrigued and got some pretty rad reviews (its on the top charts)!

Derek and I tested out the Citrus Cold Buster Smoothie a few days ago to help pump me full of Vitamin C (I posted a picture on Instagram)!  I need to get over this cold before the weekend!  Check out the App in the iTunes app store!  And check out the delicious green protein packed smoothie below, its from my new app! 

Powered Up Plant Protein Green Smoothie
From the Young and Raw Official 30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge App
Serves 1

2 Pears Chopped 
1 Cup Kale or Spinach or a combo 
1 Tablespoon Raw Pumpkin Seeds 
1 Tablespoon Chia Seeds 
1 Cup Coconut Milk (We used Almond Milk) 

1- Combine ingredients in a blender, blend till smooth and enjoy! 


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