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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

{Kale and Brown Rice Salad with Spicy Tahini Dressing}

Hello, Friends!  
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend filled with family and friends, as you celebrated Easter!  
Derek and I were surrounded by family and loved ones all weekend, and it was wonderful!  But all the wonderful food has me wanting to push my bodies reset button! And with only 3 short days until my sister and my half marathon (man I hope I am ready) I have been trying extra hard to fuel my body with the best, most nutrient dense food out there! 

Thats where this delicious kale salad comes into play!  Yes, this is the 3rd kale salad that has been featured on the blog in a short amount of time, but seriously I cannot get enough of this leafy green!  My next big challenge is going to be figuring out how to get Derek to love kale as much as me!  It is a challenging I am willing to take on! This delicious salad combines the goodness of whole grains with the nutty flavor of tahini.  Top this salad off with a little avocado or toss in some grilled chicken, shrimp or even chickpeas and you have yourself a meal!   

Kale and Brown Rice Salad with Spicy Tahini Dressing
Brunch N'Cupcakes 
Serves 2-4 

1/2 Cup Dry Brown Rice, prepared according to package directions, cooled
2 Large Bunches of Kale chopped with stems removed 
1/2 Large Red Pepper Chopped 
1/4 Cup Chopped Cucumbers 

Dressing - 
2 1/2 Teaspoons Tahini 
1 1/2 Tablespoons Low Sodium Soy Sauce 
1/2 Tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce 
1 Teaspoon Honey or agave
1 Teaspoon Siracha 

 1- In a microwave bowl heat tahini until soft, about 15 seconds.  Combine remaining dressing ingredients and whisk together until combined. 
2- In a large salad bowl combine kale with the dressing.  With your hands massage dressing into kale for about 5 minutes.  Make sure that dressing is evenly distributed. 
3- Add rice, red pepper and cucumber to kale and toss salad to combine. 
4- Serve sprinkled with sesame seeds. 

**Top with avocado, grilled chicken, shrimp or chickpeas for a complete meal! 

Check out these other delicious kale salad recipes from around the web! 

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